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All You Need to Know about Akashic Reading

Sallie Keys
All You Need to Know about Akashic Reading

To know about the Akashic Reading, we first need to know about the Akashic Records. These records are called Hall of Records or sometimes also called Book of Life by the experts. It is actually a giant energetic database of every person, place, or thing that has ever existed. The all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos are in it. This so called “database” is infinite and unending. These records are actually hold’s the soul’s records of each person. It also has got all the records of history. Everything- Events, feelings, thoughts, beliefs and ideas- is recorded there. Actually, the word “Akasha” in Sanskrit is “space, sky or ether”. According to the Hindus it was the first of the five elements to be created. It is the universal ether field in which a record of past events is imprinted and stored. In Buddhism, there is also a similar concept called “infinite space”. It is considered to be the flow of everything that does or has ever existed and occurred. The scholars and experts in the field takes this Akashic Records to be a point of access for information about our past experiences so we can gain more insight into our current daily lives and why we are experiencing our present experience as we experience. so, Akashic Reading is the way to gain a deeper insight your past, both from this life and past lives, for better understanding of the reason of what you are today based on your past and the way it affects your future. So, Google “akashic readings near me” and find out the most competent Akashic Records reader to get a glimpse of your past, present and future.

What Happens?

  • You have your own personal Akashic Record or Soul History recorded
  • This Akashic Records can be used to find out just about anything you want regarding yourself
  • This record can tell you about anything you want to know about the historical basis of any present-life problem- it might be health problems, financial crisis, relationship issues, or emotional difficulties, such as depression, anxiety, or anger issues
  • Accessing the Akashic Record is the first step to facilitate healing and setting in motion the course of events you wanted to take place in your life
  • When the clearing is done, and the roadblocks keeping you from experiencing your desired outcome are cleared away, you have an open opportunities to do what you want

Kind of results you can expect

These are the kind of results that you can expect if you have searched online “akashic readings near me” and visit a competent one.

  • The best part about this method is that it directly works on the soul itself and the changes are so clearly evident that they begin to manifest very quickly in your life
  • The changes are much more profound and pronounced than other methods could produce
  • Going directly to the “source,” so to speak, or the place that actually holds the information produce faster results


So, visit a competent Akashic Healer & Teacher to know about your soul’s record and get them cleared so that you can achieve the desired outcome now onwards.

Sallie Keys
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