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Top 10 Tips to Learn Arabic Languages Fastly

Kavita Sharma
Top 10 Tips to Learn Arabic Languages Fastly

It’s good that you have decided to learn Arabic by joining a spoken Arabic class. Several offline and online tuition platforms provide Arabic tutors and excellent Arabic courses. However, experts these days recommend opting for online Arabic courses. For, if you learn Arabic online you can not only learn fast but also at the comfort of your home. These online tuition platforms have rich experience in providing different online foreign language courses.

The most remarkable thing about the best online tuition for Arabic language Class is you are being tutored the Arabic lessons for beginners first. Gradually they move on to make you adept in the language. Moreover, if you make some extra effort, you can learn Arabic real fast. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 tips for learning Arabic at speed. However, before that let us have a sneak peek at a few facts and figures related to the Arabic language.

Facts and Stats Related to the Arabic Language

  • Arabic spots the 5th position as the most spoken language in the world 
  •  The Arabic language is one of the six official languages in the UN (United nations)
  •  Approximately 500 million people from across the globe can speak the Arabic language
  • The Arabic language belongs to the Arab region that comprises many nations making its standard form the official language of 26 states
  • The Arabic language was introduced at least 1,500 years ago

So, now you know Arabic is not just a beautiful language to learn but even a language that can bestow you with a good career. Now let us go ahead and talk about the 10 tips for learning the Arabic language fast.

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Tip#1: Join a Reputed Online Arabic Language Course

Several online tutoring platforms from across the world provide online Arabic languages courses. These courses are designed keeping beginner Arabic language learners in mind. These Arabic online language classes start from scratch and make you fluent in the language very soon. All you need is some zeal to learn the language. However, research well before joining an online Arabic language tutoring platform as not all deliver what they promise. Read reviews & testimonials for sure before putting your money at stake.

Tip#2: Hunt for an Arabic Conversation Partner

Sounds difficult as not everyone is comfortable finding a conversation partner through an offline or online local community list. Search for anyone in your network. Look for common friends who can help you get an Arabic speaker. But since you have already joined Arabic online language classes, you can make friends with your tuition-mates. Though all are at the same level but still you can practice what you have learned by talking to each other. You can also converse with your online Arabic language tutor but they may not be able to entertain every learner. So, that’s not a viable option.

Tip#3: Become an Arabic Language Volunteer

Try to find ways to get involved in a community that has people who speak the Arabic language. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you want to converse with someone in Arabic, you will find one. Look for them in worship centers, immigration service providers' offices, Libraries, Schools, medical clinics, nonprofit organizations, Ziyyara Edutech classes, and so on. These are the places where you can find native Arabic speakers. Online Arabic language learning is just one way to get fluency in the language, keep looking for other ways along with it.

Tip#4: Get Associated with a Conversation Club

Apart from joining the best Arabic language courses online, you can get associated with an Arabic conversation club. It would act like a better version of a conversation partner. Look for Arabic meetups or conversation clubs near your area. Go through a local listing to find one. However, if you don’t find any, think through launching one.

Tip#5: Maintain Your Arabic Journal

Create a journal in Arabic. Write your heart out. This is how you will not only practice your Arabic language skills but also accomplish many tasks. While creating the journal you can take notes, write your learning process, create short stories and do much more. If finding it difficult, take help from your Arabic online language tutor. Discuss your journal in your Arabic online language classes and get others’ views on it.

Tip#6: Change the Language Settings

You may or may not belong to land with Arabic-speaking people. If you do that’s great and if you do not you can create your surroundings according to that. We have already discussed above how to do that such as joining the best online Arabic language courses. The Arabic tutor online will help you develop Arabic language skills easily. Moreover, you can select the Arabic language as your preferred language in your smartphone, computer, laptop, or the other handheld devices you own. It will help you learn the technical vocabulary. 

Tip#7: Watch Arabic Shows or Movies

At times, learning through watching shows or movies is no less than joining the best online Arabic language courses. It can act as supplemental learning support apart from your online tuition for the Arabic language. The best part is you can always opt for shows or movies with Arabic subtitles to comprehend things easily in the starting phase. Ask your Arabic friends for some suggestions on the best shows or movies to learn the language.

Tip#8: Go Arabic Shopping

Yes. This one is a great way to learn about  Arabic terminologies, labels, etc. Though the best online Arabic language learning center imparts you knowledge on such things but getting practical exposure is always good.  So, other than joining a speaking Arabic language class, go shopping in an Arabic immigrant community. Whether it is a coffee shop, a food market, or any Arabic stalls, you will learn how different daily items are called in Arabic. You can also make friends with an Arabic-speaking person and find your Arabic conversation partner. 

Tip#9: Stay Up-to-date with the Arabic Calendar and Events

Staying updated with Arabic events could act as great Arabic lessons for beginners. Though your Arabic tutor online would tell you about it, this is you who has to work on it. If you want to sound like a native Arabic, you must know what they usually talk about. Keeping up on the current events and news in Arabic will help you gain great cultural knowledge. It will also boost your Arabic vocabulary. Moreover, you can instigate some great conversations in Arabic.

Tip#10: Include Arabic in Your Hobbies

You may like to read, listen to music, play video games, sing or do any other activity in your past time. Whatever you do, try including Arabic in your hobbies. Read Arabic books, listen to Arabic music, play Arabic video games or sing in Arabic. It will help you practice what you have learned from your online Arabic language tutor. So, even if you have joined online tuition for the Arabic language, do such things to enhance your knowledge of Arabic.


Going online spoken Arabic class is one thing you can do to learn Arabic online from an online Arabic tutor. Joining online Arabic courses will help develop the right language skills. Any reputed online foreign language course provider will provide Arabic courses as well. Besides, practice all we have learned apart from learning online Arabic languages through expert tutors. This is how you can even talk like a native Arabic without even going to an Arab country.

Kavita Sharma
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