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Auto Repair Service in San Juan Capistrano

Thong Nguyen
Auto Repair Service in San Juan Capistrano

Regular service and maintenance is important to keep the vehicle in best of its health. Tire, muffler exhaust, air conditioner and everything needs to be serviced and replaced after a certain period of time. Most of the car dealers charge skyrocketing prices for auto repair and maintenance service. To get premium class service, you must reach out to West Coast Tires & Service. It is the ideal place to get shocks and struts replacement, San Clemente.

It is the certified GoodYear service center. The trained mechanics work efficiently and honestly to upgrade the condition vehicle with all the necessary replacements and repairs. Don’t worry about prices as this company is happy to serve its customers at affordable prices. They provide different financing options and even work with extended warranties.

Shocks and Struts Replacement, San Clemente

The main role of shocks and struts is to prevent the amount of suspension movements. To experience a smooth ride, it is imperative to keep them maintained. If you are experiencing a bumpy ride, problem in steering or braking, then get the system replaced by the skilled people at West Coast Tires & Services. They replace shock unit, strut cartridge, spring and bearing plate. Free quote can also be accessed over the phone call.

Collision Repair Service, San Juan Capistrano

Worried about the damage caused to the vehicle because of collision? Then, trust the experts at West Coast Tires & Services. Different services like auto body repair, paint, frame straightening, alignment & suspension, auto detailing and dent repair are taken care of while servicing and repairing. High-quality diagnostic equipment is also used for accurate diagnosis of problem.
With top rated service and ASE certified mechanics, West Coast Tires & Services is the perfect place to get the vehicle repaired at reasonable price.

For more info,visit- https://westcoasttireandservices.com/

Thong Nguyen
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