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100+ ultimate list of Digital Marketing Tools with Alternatives in 2021

AR Digital
100+ ultimate list of Digital Marketing Tools with Alternatives in 2021

Are you a Digital Marketing executive or a blogger or writer or a web developer? Are you looking for the tools to make your work & life easy?

Then, we have listed out more than 100 digital marketing tools with their alternatives for SEO, SEM, content marketing, graphics designing, paid marketing, keyword research & much more.

So, without taking more time, just list out some of the most important tools:

1. Google Search Console

2. Google Analytics

3. Bing Webmaster Tools

4. Moz

5. SEMRush

6. UberSuggest

7. Screaming Frog

8. Ahrefs

9. Google Trends

10. Google Keyword Planner

11. Hotjar

12. RankMath (WordPress)

13. Yoast (WP)

14. Canva

15. Bright Local

16. XML Sitemap Generators

17. Similarweb

18. Killduplicate

19. Browseo 

20. GTMetrix


Please read the complete list here: 

100+ ultimate list of Digital Marketing Tools with Alternatives in 2021 [Pt-1]

100+ ultimate list of Digital Marketing Tools with Alternatives in 2021 [Pt-2]

AR Digital
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