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Top 5 Best Treks in Nepal

Melina Chaudhary
Top 5 Best Treks in Nepal

Top 5 Best Treks in Nepal

The top 5 best treks in Nepal are a collection of the best trails for trekking in the Himalayas. Nepal is a small but exquisite country in the lap of the Himalayas. The diverse topography, climate, culture, and wildlife of Nepal leave you in awe. The majestic mountains, beautiful hills, roaring rivers, never-ending fertile plains, and magical valleys make your journey an out-of-the-world experience.

The serene and adventurous trekking routes of this small nation are a favorite destination for travelers all around the globe. Indeed, it is a paradise for travel enthusiasts. Therefore, if you are searching for the best trekking destinations in Nepal, here is a list of the top 5 best treks in Nepal that you shouldn’t miss.

Top Best Treks in Nepal from Everest Region:

Everest Base Camp Trek (Best Trek in Nepal),

The trek to the base camp of the highest peak Mt. Everest is full of jaw-dropping sceneries and rich and unique Sherpa tradition. It is a high-altitude trekking route, and the journey challenges your mental and physical ability. EBC treks top the list of top 5 best treks in Nepal because of their amazing trekking trails and the best view highest mountains around. The rewards completely outweigh your efforts as you can witness the astonishing panoramic view of silver-shining mountains like Mt. Ama Dablam, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Nuptse, Mt. Cho-Oyu, Mt. Thamserku, Mt. Tawache, and many more tall peaks in the Everest region. You can enjoy the beautiful sunrise over Everest that leaves you speechless.

Besides the beauty of majestic mountains, you can even observe the unique and mind-blowing lifestyle of the Sherpa community. Also, you can enjoy alpine vegetation and wildlife. The route goes through Sagarmatha National Park where several rare species of wildlife can be observed. Overall, the trek offers jaw-dropping sceneries along with unique Sherpa cultures and traditions while exploring challenging journeys around the highest mountain in the world. Hence, Everest Base Camp Trek is on the list of the top 5 best treks in Nepal. 

Everest Gokyo Lake Trek

Everest Gokyo trek is a less-crowded off-the-beat trekking destination in the Everest region. Often considered the best alternative trail to EBC, it is suitable for experienced and novice trekkers. The trek offers a spectacular view of mountains along with beautiful glaciers and the highest freshwater lake framework. The trek is in the second position of the top 5 best treks in Nepal because of Gokyo Lakes and Gokyo Ri which is a vantage point that allows you to enjoy the panoramic view of four dazzling mountains at the same time i.e., Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Chhoyu, Mt. Makalu. Arguably, the view from this vantage point is far better than that of EBC.

The route is the same as that of EBC, but we head towards Machermo from Namche Bazar. We continue the journey until we reach the Gokyo valley. We climb up to the Gokyo Ri, where we relish the pristine ambiance of beautiful mountains, glaciers, and lakes. Hence, this trek is the best alternative to the EBC and makes it to the list of the top 5 best treks in Nepal. You should visit it once in your lifetime.

Top Best Treks in Nepal from Annapurna Region

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

ABC is considered the best trek in Nepal’s Annapurna region. It is a favorite destination for travelers looking for a cheaper alternative to EBC. The trek route makes it to the list of top 5 best treks in Nepal because it encompasses a journey through beautiful rhododendron hills, bamboo forests, beautiful waterfalls, and streams all the way to the base camp of Mt. Annapurna I.

During the journey to one of the top treks in the list of 5 best treks in Nepal, you will encounter different Gurung villages where you can experience unique rural lifestyles and learn about their traditions and culture. Once you reach the Annapurna base camp Trek, the sceneries of high snow-capped mountains like Mt. Hiuchuli, Mt. Machhapuchre, Lamjung Himal, etc will astonish you. You can enjoy the beautiful sunrise over the mighty mountains while sipping a cup of coffee. This will be a memory to behold forever. Besides this, you can even enjoy natural hot baths at Jhigu Dada. Therefore, it makes it to the list of top 5 best treks in Nepal and is a famous destination among international travelers and definitely deserves your visit.

Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek is the shortest and relatively easier trekking trail in the list of top 5 best treks in Nepal. It is a less traveled pristine trail with highly rewarding sceneries and landscapes.

You can enjoy beautiful streams and waterfalls along with forests of rhododendron, oaks, maples, etc. at the beginning of the trail. As you ascend higher and higher, the undisturbed view of snow-capped mountains turns you speechless. You can enjoy the view of mountains like Annapurna, Machhapuchre, etc. from here as well. The mountains change color during sunrise and sunset that gives a heavenly feeling. Also, you can’t forget the beautiful villages full of Mani walls and praying flags encountered during the trek. So, if you are looking for a short yet adventurous trail with high rewards in the list of the top 5 best treks in Nepal, then Mardi Himal Trek is a viable option for you.

Poon Hill Trekking (Best Sunrise view trek in Nepal)

Ghorepani Poon hill trek is one of the most visited trekking trails, among other treks in the list of top 5 best treks in Nepal. As the trek is short and easier, it doesn’t require extreme physical strength. Therefore, you can visit it along with your family.

The trek takes you all the way through beautiful Gurung villages to the view station at Poonhill. From Poonhill you can enjoy splendid sunset and sunrise that will surely melt your heart. We can see beautiful mountains and mountain ranges from here. Mountains like Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Machapuchrey, Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, and many more stare right into you. You can enjoy and experience the peculiar lifestyle of Gurung communities living there. Their unique traditions and culture will blow you away. Hence, it makes it to the list of the top 5 best treks in Nepal and it is a suitable destination for you and your family to spend some quality time.

If you are a travel enthusiast seeking some adventure in Nepal, then the aforementioned list of the top 5 best treks in Nepal by Heaven Himalaya will quench your thirst for adventure. Hence, I recommend you to visit those beautiful destinations in Nepal at least once in your life. 

Melina Chaudhary
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