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Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Certification

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Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Certification

Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Certification

EC-Council’s Certified Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) is the only comprehensive ANSI accredited, lab-focused program in the market that gives organizations vendor-neutral training in digital forensics. CHFI provides its attendees with a firm grasp of digital forensics, presenting a detailed and methodological approach to digital forensics and evidence analysis that also pivots around Dark Web, IoT, and Cloud Forensics. The tools and techniques covered in this program will prepare the learner for conducting digital investigations using ground-breaking digital forensics technologies.

The program is designed for IT professionals involved with information system security, computer forensics, and incident response. It will help fortify the application knowledge in digital forensics for forensic analysts, cybercrime investigators, cyber defense forensic analysts, incident responders, information technology auditors, malware analysts, security consultants, and chief security officers.

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