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What Equipment to Buy for Hydroponic Growing?

Benchmark Hydroponics

To ace hydroponic growing, one must have various tools and equipment on hand. It becomes easy to have the plant grow in the controlled environment of the hydroponics kits Melbourne but if one does not have the access to it or wants to grow on without the kit it becomes necessary to know the essential tools and equipment. Even when having the kits, you may require certain tools and equipment.


There are various factors including the budget that you need to consider before getting the tools and equipment for the amount of hydroponic growing you are willing to do. You sure would apply many of the techniques for extra care and maintenance of the plants but the equipment that you choose plays an important role in the growth of the plants. Here is some such essential equipment that you can easily get at the Hydroponics Equipment Supplier Melbourne for your hydroponic growing.

●       PH Testing Kit

As the growth of the plant is done in the nutrition solution it becomes necessary to maintain its PH balance. Periodically testing the PH of the solution gives you an opportunity to maintain the desired level of the PH. These kits are highly affordable and could save the solution from becoming acidic.

●       Lighting

As the medium of the growth is not soil and the environment is controlled, the requirement of light to conduct photosynthesis needs to be addressed. This is why you would find the different types of lights available in the hydroponic shop. As per the requirement of the light for the plant, you can choose the right alternative from the light available like fluorescent lights, ceramic metal halide lights, high-pressure sodium lights, reflectors, and more.

●       Nutrition Solution

The need for the nutrition of the plants is satisfied by providing the nutrition solution that has the perfect blend of all the nutrients that are required for the growth of the plant. These nutrients include calcium, boron, iron, chloride, zinc, copper, molybdenum, phosphate, potassium, nitrogen, and more. There is a nutrient mixture available too for beginners that includes a balanced amount of all the nutrients so you do not end up adding more.

●       Flood Chamber

With two unique functions, the flood chamber becomes a necessity. These flood chambers hold your nutrient solution in place as the plants do not have the support like in the soil. One thing that makes your flood chamber is opaque, the roots are delicate and sensitive to the sunlight. The opaque flood chamber would keep the sunlight away from roots.

●       Meters

Various meters are available with the hydroponic suppliers that would help you to keep track of various aspects that may affect the growth of the plants like temperature, PH, conductivity, and so on to make the necessary changes if required.

End Line

Make sure that you get this various equipment from a reliable Hydroponics Equipment Supplier Melbourne. The quality of the products matters when it comes to hydroponic growing. A reliable supplier will make of it.

Source: What are the Essential Tools and Equipment for Hydroponic Growing? 

Benchmark Hydroponics
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