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5 tips to help children improve their handwriting by PaperHelp

5 tips to help children improve their handwriting by PaperHelp

In the same way that we teach our children to eat with the cutlery properly, we must teach them to hold the pencil in a correct way when it comes to writing.

In the development of their reading and writing skills, it is very important to instill in them from the beginning a good command of the pencil, directionality, and precise turns in the writing of signs, letters, and words to achieve a good stroke.

If your child is just starting to write, we recommend My First Strokes, with which to acquire the initial skill in the stroke in different directions. On the other hand, if they already know how to write but need to improve their handwriting, here are 5 tips that will be very useful in practice by paper writers:

How to improve your handwriting?

1. Sit with a straight back

It is something basic, sit with your back against the back of the chair and avoid bringing your head close to the paper. The correct posture for writing is to place the sheet of paper slightly inclined and the opposite hand holding it.

It may seem an irrelevant issue a priori, but it is not at all, once a correct body posture is adopted the handwriting can begin to improve.

2. Correct performance of the "digital pincer"

The position of the fingers when holding the pencil or pen must be correct, that is, making a pincer with the index finger and thumb and resting the writing tool on the middle finger, without exerting great pressure.

Ideally, they should adopt this posture from the moment they begin to write, but if they are already "flawed" in their writing, even if it takes a little longer, the ideal would be to correct it.

3. Writing on sheets with lines

It helps children to trace the letter with a suitable size, neither too large nor too small and not to twist. In this way, they will learn to respect the margins and little by little, to be visually neater and cleaner.

4. Choose a good pen or pencil

Sometimes, we do not realize that one of the main causes of bad writing can be the material used. On many occasions, the pen or pencil is not the right one, since some require more strength than others, which makes the student get tired before and starts to deform the handwriting.

Although there is no exact science on how to select a good writing tool, the best option is to keep trying until you find the right one. Sometimes it will be conventional pens, and sometimes it will be ink or gel pens.

Sometimes you will even get better writing with a fountain pen, as it forces you to keep the pen tilted.

5. Choose a favorable pattern

Of course, the pattern also influences the quality of the handwriting. The ideal is to choose a linear pattern with a single line, not a gridded one. Grid sheets are not a good choice for those who have difficulties in writing, as they produce a disorienting effect.

In the case of the double grid, it can be effective with some students, but for others, it can be stressful to write in such a small space.

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