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Housekeeping: for efficient mold armor house wash reviews

Housekeeping: for efficient mold armor house wash reviews

We sometimes lack the time to thoroughly clean our home. Here are some housekeeping tips  for more efficient house washing.

Throw Away, Recycle, Donate

We all accumulate a lot of things in our house. Open your wardrobes, drawers, mold armor house wash reviews cupboards and take out anything you don't use. Take it out. Donate what can still be used and recycle or throw away what can no longer be used by anyone. The more objects you have, the longer it takes to sort and dust.

Pull out all your furniture

You will find many treasures and especially a lot of dust behind your furniture and your appliances. With any luck, maybe you'll find a $ 20 bill behind your washer?

Use Foolproof Cleaning Products

There are plenty of cleaning products out there, and you probably have your favorites in your closet. In many situations, ez house wash reviews baking soda and vinegar will be enough to make your job easier. The mop, vacuum cleaner, cloth and toothbrush will allow you to wash everywhere, in the far corners or the small hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.

Clean Walls And Ceilings

A mop with a Vileda-style telescopic handle will come to your rescue for washing your ceilings and walls, and will allow you to reach further corners in the stairwell. Soak the cloth that covers your mop in hot soapy water and clean! To remove stains, but not paint, rub them with a damp cloth and baking soda. And for stubborn stains, the magic eraser is… magic!

Wash your floors and scrub your ceramic joints

Wood and ceramic floors are easily washed with a mop and soapy water. For ceramic joints, it is different.

For them to regain their original color, you will need to add a little hot water to baking soda to make a paste, drop it on the joints and scrub with a toothbrush. You can also use products designed to clean ceramic gaskets such as ceramics .

Clean and Deodorize Your Carpets

Sprinkle baking soda on your rugs and let sit for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, vacuum to find a clean and deodorize carpet. For stubborn stains, obtain cleaning products specific to your type of carpet.

Remove Limescale from Your Shower, Bath and Toilet

Lime and soap regularly cause us trouble on the walls of our shower and our bath. To remove traces of it, mix a glass of white vinegar and ½ glass of baking soda in a bucket of hot water. Rub with a sponge or cloth and those stubborn marks will quickly be a thing of the past.

For the toilet bowl, pour 2 glasses of vinegar and leave to act overnight. The next morning, flush the toilet, scrub with a brush and the limescale will magically disappear!

Housekeeping of Appliances


To clean your dishwasher, insert about ¼ cup of white vinegar in place of your detergent or in a bowl well stuck in one of the baskets. Run your dishwasher and wipe it dry afterwards.

Microwave Oven

To clean and deodorize your microwave oven, pour a cup of water into a bowl and add a lemon wedge or ¼ cup of white vinegar to it. Place it in the oven and run it for 5-10 minutes. Thanks to the steam, the residues will easily be removed with a wet cloth.


Empty your refrigerator and check the expiration dates. Throw away expired products and leftovers. Wash your fridge from top to bottom so as not to dirty your grates. Water and soap are usually sufficient to clean everything. You can also mix some vinegar in hot water.


Insert a cup of vinegar into your washer's detergent container and run it in hot water mode. When the load is finished, wipe down the rubber and the glass on the door. Make a second empty load and leave the door open afterwards to ventilate well. If you're hesitant to put vinegar in your washer, there's also a cleaner designed specifically for cleaning front-loading washers .

When it comes to housekeeping, it's important to be realistic and resist the urge to do everything at the same time. Go one room at a time. Every task accomplished is a small gain. Good housekeeping!

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