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Product Engineering Services: A Must in the Current Market Scenario

Product Engineering Services: A Must in the Current Market Scenario

Product engineering is the development of a product from concept to manufacturing and the product's release to the market. All the services, from innovation to product deployment and testing, come under one umbrella, with Product Engineering.  

Product engineering service or PES is an engineering consulting activity that product engineering companies offer. This service uses hardware fixed augmentations, IT services for the design, development, deployment, and maintenance of products. 

Various Phases of Product Engineering:

There are seven major phases in product engineering, from the foundation to the end of the product lifecycle. 

Product Ideation

This is the first stage where an idea for a product is envisioned. The product descriptions and requirements are recognized at this stage. Further research is done to validate the feasibility of the idea and if pursuing it is worth it. 


Product Architecture: 

The second phase is where the products' physical mechanisms and basic elements are decided. This is an important phase as the basics of the physicality and related interfaces of the device are determined. 


Product Design

After finalizing the theory and construction, the work to bring this to life begins with Product engineering designs. A lot of work, including major duplications and enhancements, is made before the final design is approved. 


Product Development: 

The next phase now is product development and construction. A lot of attention is paid during this phase to manage and optimize costs. 


Product Testing

This phase confirms that the developed product is fault-free. A rigorous quality check is conducted to analyze and authenticate the quality of the developed product. In case of an error or fault, refinements or modifications are made to ensure quality before the product release. 


Product Release: 

After completing development and testing, the product is released into the market. Post-release analysis of user reviews and feedback is done to improve the quality and performance of the product. 


Product Sustenance/Re-engineering: 

This is a critical phase that helps keep the product relevant in the market. This phase includes periodic product updates, enhancements, and maintenance.  

A good customer support system guarantees the continued success of the product, and that happens when the grievances are addressed right away, and any sorts of issues are rectified. And this type of support is to be provided until the end of the cycle.  

How does Product Engineering Services Help Businesses? 

PES services help meet the demand of product companies in the following ways. 

  • Implementing the latest highlights and functionalities. 
  • Superior quality products at a speedy shift time. 
  • Cost benefits for product manufacturers. 
  • Quick launching of products in the market. 

You now know the importance of Product Engineering Consulting services well enough. Now all you need is a PES provider to help you with your products and bring them to the market.  

Bitscape is one such PES provider. We have a lot of experience and expertise in this field, to begin with. We not only help you revamp your old product and modernize it but also help you develop and launch a whole product with just your idea of it. We can help you right from architecture to development, testing, releasing, and releasing the product after modernization. We can help your organization reach its goal with better results and lesser time.  


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