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Tax Exemption Donation Benefits - Donate to Genesis Foundation

Tax Exemption Donation Benefits - Donate to Genesis Foundation

‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much’- Helen Keller

Giving back to society in the form of donations and time is one of the greatest acts of service. It is commendable to donate to a cause that you sincerely believe in and make a difference. Given the nobility of this gesture, the government extends its full support towards such charitable services. Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act allows you NGO donation tax exemption made to charitable organisations.

At the end of the financial year around 8.45 crore people in India pay their income tax. Income Tax is paid as a percentage of annual income. The percentage depends on the tax bracket in which the annual income can be placed, but that is usually not the final sum to be paid.


Section 80 of the Income Tax Act lists various deductions that can be made on how much of income is calculated as taxable reducing the tax burden on the individual availing these deductions.


Such savings on tax payments can be made on a variety of deductions including deductions on investments, house rent, medical insurance, interests on savings accounts, and more. All these deductions are the government’s way of reducing the burden on the taxpayers who qualify and for promoting those activities for which deductions are applicable.


One such important tax-saving option is under 80g tax exemption donations made to certain charitable organisations.

Section 80G

Contributions made to certain relief funds and charitable institutions can be claimed as a deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. All donations, however, are not eligible for deductions under Section 80G.

Only donations made to prescribed funds qualify as a deduction. This deduction can be claimed by any taxpayer – individuals, companies, firms or any other person.

For example, Genesis Foundation, which is an NGO for underprivileged children with heart defects in India, provides NGO donation tax exemption to all donors in India and abroad. Check out their website → www.genesis-foundation.net to make a donation.

What is the mode of payment?

This deduction can only be claimed when the contribution is made via a cheque, draft, or cash through online and offline modes. In-kind contributions such as food, material, clothes, medicines etc., do not qualify for deduction under Section 80G.

From Financial Year 2017-18 onwards: Any donations made in cash exceeding Rs 2,000 will not be allowed as a deduction. The donations above Rs 2,000 should be made in any mode other than cash to qualify as a deduction under Section 80G. Previously, the limit of donation in cash was Rs 10,000.

How to claim this deduction

To be able to claim this deduction, the following details have to be submitted in your income tax return:

●    Name of the donee

●    PAN of the donee

●    Address of the donee

●    Amount of contribution – the breakup of contribution in cash and another mode

●    The amount eligible for deduction

For example, Genesis Foundation provides soft-copy tax receipts to all donors for any donation made on their website https://www.genesis-foundation.net/donate and hard copies upon request. They have even partnered with Give India to receive donations from rest of the world, so donors from US & UK can also receive tax-benefit for their donations on https://fundraisers.giveindia.org/nonprofits/genesis-foundation

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