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Tips to tame your child’s temper

Dillu Jay
Tips to tame your child’s temper

Having trouble handling child tantrums? Does your child lose temper all the time? Angry outbursts happen for most kids all through their growing years. But some kids have trouble handling their anger and frustration when things don't go their way. Kids who tend to have temper tantrums by nature will need more help from parents to manage their tempers. Parents need to be patient and positive. Every child can improve with the right guidance and also be aware that these skills take time to develop. One of the top boarding schools in India, St. George’s College stands by you with some tips to tame your child’s temper.

A Parent's Role

Kids tempers can be a challenge - Be a role model! Managing your own anger issues without losing your cool will make it easier to teach kids to do the same. Try to be your child's friend and help your child to triumph over temper.

Keep calm 

When faced by angry outbursts, defiance, talking back, opposition and arguing keep your cool! When you handle it calmly, clearly, and firmly without blaming, harsh criticisms, threats or punishments, you are teaching your kids the best ways to handle anger and frustration.

Help kids put it into words

If your child is in the middle of a temper tantrum, find out what's wrong! Do not engage with them if they are yelling or sulking and ask your child to talk to you calmly. If your child puts emotions into words together you can figure out what, if anything, needs to be done to solve the problem. However, give them some time to reflect and don't push your child too hard to talk right then. 

Listen and respond

When your children have expressed what’s bothering them, it's up to you to listen. Many a time, feeling listened to and understood is all kids need to calm down. Offer to help find an answer if there's a problem to be solved.

  • Tell your kids that it's OK to walk away from a conflict to avoid an angry tantrum.
  • Be flexible with your parenting rules at times. 
  • Kids getting enough sleep is also good to keep them in good spirits and not throw tantrums.

How can kids cope with anger? 

Kids need to get anger out of their system to stay calm! See that kids engage in a lot of physical & cultural activities to get their tempers under control. Dancing, music, writing, drawing, painting or going outdoors to play are a good choice. 

Set clear ground rules and stick to them

It’s good to set some ground rules for everyone in the house like: 

  • No door-slamming 
  • No name calling, hitting, pushing or shoving 
  • No screaming & saying mean things 
  • No throwing or breaking things on purpose.

St. George’s College, being one of the top Boarding Schools in Dehradun helps to educate children to become balanced individuals. Contact us for details on admission for the next academic year.


Dillu Jay
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