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Mortgages: An Overview What Exactly Is A Mortgage?

Christensen Financial Inc.
Mortgages: An Overview What Exactly Is A Mortgage?

A mortgage is a loan used to finance the purchase or renovation of a property. The purchaser will borrow money and use the property as collateral. A Mortgage Brokerage will assign a Brokerage agent or Mortgage Agent to contact the buyer. The agent or mortgage broker will assist the buyer in finding a lender willing to lend the mortgage loan.

Lenders of mortgage loans are banks, trust companies, and credit unions. Private individuals, such as Clermont mortgage lender, may lend money to mortgage borrowers. The lender of a mortgage will be paid monthly interest payments and retain a lien on the property as security for the repayment of the loan. The borrower will receive the mortgage loan. The borrower will use the money for the purchase of the property and to take over the ownership. When the mortgage is paid in full, the lien will be lifted. If the borrower fails to pay the mortgage, the lender may take possession of the property.

To make mortgage payments, the principal amount borrowed and interest on the borrowing money are combined. The amount of interest a borrower has to pay is determined by three factors: the amount borrowed and the mortgage interest rate, as well as the amortization period (the time required to repay the mortgage).

How long the amortization period will last will depend on how much monthly payment the borrower is able to afford. Borrowers who pay less interest will be charged less if their amortization rate is lower. Average amortization is 25 years. The mortgage can be renewed to extend this period. Most borrowers renew their mortgages once every five years.

Mortgages are paid back on a regular basis and the monthly payments are often identical or "level". Most borrowers prefer to make monthly payments, but some prefer to pay weekly or bimonthly. Sometimes mortgage payments include property taxes, which are sent to the municipality by companies collecting the payments. This arrangement may be reached during initial mortgage negotiations.

Conventional mortgages require that the down-payment for a home must be at least 20% of the purchase price, and that the mortgage not exceed 80% its appraised value. A low-ratio mortgage means that the down payment for a home's purchase price is less than 20%.

Clermont mortgage lenders and mortgage companies are required to purchase mortgage loan insurance from approved government insurance companies. This insurance protects the lender in the event of default by the borrower. This insurance is usually passed to the borrower. You can pay it in one lump sum, or add to the principal amount of your mortgage. Mortgage loan insurance is not covered by mortgage insurance. If either the borrower, or the spouse of the borrower is killed, this insurance will pay off the entire mortgage.

First-time homebuyers will need to obtain pre-approval before applying for a mortgage. Pre-approval is required for predetermined mortgage amounts. Lenders can verify that the borrower is able to repay the mortgage. The lender will perform a credit check and request a list of the borrower's assets and liabilities. They may also ask about personal information such as current employment, marital status, dependents and salary. Preapproval agreements can lock in a specific interest rate for the 60-to 90-day term.

There are other options for a borrower to get a mortgage. The option for a home buyer to take over the seller's mortgage is called "assuming an existing mortgage". Borrowers may save money on appraisal fees and legal fees by taking over an existing loan. They won't need to arrange for financing and may get a lower interest than the current market rate. The seller may lend money to the buyer, or contribute some of the mortgage financings. This is called a Vendor Take Back mortgage. Vendor Take Back mortgages can sometimes be offered at a lower interest rate than banks.

After obtaining a mortgage, a borrower can apply for a second mortgage. A second mortgage may be considered a greater risk by the lender because it is usually from a different lender. A second mortgage usually has a shorter amortization period, and a higher interest.

Christensen Financial Inc.
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