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Importance of URL in SEO

Importance of URL in SEO

Don’t be Careless with URL When it comes to Search Engine Optimization

Keywords, search phrases, titles, captions, and headlines in all glory, but you know that your URLs can also give your visibility on Google and the other search engines a real boost? How can we find the Importance of URL in SEO? A URL (abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator) is, as you may already know, the URL of a certain document, for example, http://www.onlinemarketingacademy.se, and appears in several places on the web:

Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

Search Engines Display URLs to pages in their results lists, they can affect how many people click into your page (click-through rate, CTR) and visibility. URLs are one of the factors that affect your search engine rankings and the pages whose names contain the phrase searched for have the benefits of proper descriptive URLs. Here we know how to Importance of URL in SEO

Browser Address Bar

There is a place where you will find your URLs is of course the browser’s address bar. This does not affect your SEO, but keep in mind that poor URL structure can result in a negative user experience.

Anchor Text For Links

The URL above has been used as the anchor text of the link on a web page that links to my blog.

Tips When Structuring Your URLs

When you are going to structure your URLs to make the Importance of URL in SEO as good as possible for both search engines and your visitors, there are many things to keep in mind.

Think Like Your Visitors

Put on the role of your visitor and take a look at your URLs. If you can easily and with high accuracy predict what the content of the page you come to when you click on the URL will be about, you can feel confident that your URLs are sufficiently descriptive. You do not have to include everything you will include on the page in your URL, but give the visitor a decent idea of ​​the content.

Stay Short

Although a descriptive URL is important, such a short distance between the two slashes that frame the rest of the URL after the domain itself will make it easier to copy and paste blog posts, emails, and so on. In addition, they will be fully visible in the search results and will not be cut off.

Using Keywords is Important — But Stay Tuned

If your page focuses on a particular keyword or search phrase, then make sure the word or phrase in question is included in your URL. But use them sparingly and avoid pushing as many keywords as you can into the URL. It will only make them less useful and they can also appear as spam.

Be Static

The best URLs are easy for people to read without a lot of parameters, numbers, and symbols. Dynamic URLs such as “www.onlinemarketingacademy.se/default.asp?info=102030¶ms=abcdef&sida=3″ you should try a more readable static version in the form of “www.onlinemarketingacademy.se/effectiv-viral-marketing/”. For example, if you use WordPress, you can easily do this in the Permalinks menu, which you will find under Settings. Having a dynamic URL can result in poor search engine rankings so do what you can do to avoid it.

Use Hyphens for Separate Words

Not all web applications can separate punctuation marks such as underscores (_), plus ( ), or spaces (% 20), so use the hyphen (-) to separate the words in a URL, just as in the “effective-viral-marketing”. There were a few tips on how to improve your URLs and thus your search engine optimization. Hope they benefit you.

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