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The Wedding Dresses; makes the day stand out for the bride

Adnan Akbar
The Wedding Dresses; makes the day stand out for the bride

The world is amazingly diverse, and that's why it's beautiful. Of course, where there's white, there's black, but we believe that a wedding is always something bright and sublime. That's why it's so interesting to learn about what rituals, attributes, and traditions are associated with weddings in different countries.

Every Muslim girl dreams of hearing these words. An Arab wedding – few things in the world can be compared in luxury and splendor with this celebration. Legends are made about it, it surprises and fascinates, and those who are lucky enough to see it or attend it as a guest admit: the myth of oriental hospitality does not fully convey the amazing atmosphere of the holiday.

That's right because the number of guests can be absolutely anything, and everyone can come to an Arab wedding to share the joy with the groom – the male part of the holiday is open to everyone. The female half is much less democratic: a beautiful bride surrounded by bridesmaids, mothers, and aunts has fun without outsiders, limiting the circle of invitees to a strict dress code. Modern newlyweds, although brought up in the traditions of Islam, sometimes deviate from the rules and arrange a joint holiday, but the basic principles are strictly observed.

Now let's discuss the queen of the day; the bride's costume on her special day;


What does a bride look like at an Arab wedding?

According to the Saudi Fashion designers, Arab brides wear dresses to the wedding without deep necklines, provocative mini, and bare hands, but at the same time, they look luxurious and impressive in wedding photos. Their image combines femininity, modesty, and at the same time a certain unsurpassed charm and chic.

According to the requirements of the religion, Muslim girls wear only closed dresses to the wedding, but this does not mean that their dresses look the same and boring. Unusual elements of the dress décor and other details of the bride's image, for example, the hijab, make each Arab girl unique and inimitable.


What does the bride traditionally wear to an Arab wedding?

An Arab wedding is a grand event, both for young people and for their families, which traditionally takes place in the afternoon, after sunset. This is always a magnificent and large-scale celebration, where all close and distant relatives are invited. The total number of guests at an Arab wedding is several hundred and in some cases even a thousand people.

Currently, the Arab wedding is increasingly similar to the modern European celebration, but a lot of ancient customs leave their mark on the image of the bride:

  1. Girls in Arab countries are required to wear a headscarf. The same goes for a marriage. Therefore, the headdress is an integral part of the image of the Arab bride.
  2. According to Muslim traditions, a girl first enters into a relationship with a man only after the wedding. Therefore, along with the festive outfit for the wedding night, the Arabs select beautiful underwear to please the groom.
  3. Henna painting in hand is a compulsory part of any Arabic girl's wedding. The so-called "Mehendi" drawings not only make the girl more beautiful and spectacular but also protect her from evil spirits, attract happiness and love to the new family.


Features of the wedding dress in the Arabic style

All Muslim girls, following the established customs, choose a wedding dress with long sleeves and a closed top. What should it be?

  • Color. The most popular in the world are white dresses, but Arab brides often choose outfits in bright colors: pink, blue, gold, etc.
  • Cloth. Muslim brides choose expensive, non-translucent fabrics for sewing a dress (satin, silk, lace). Fine fabrics (chiffon and tulle) are used only for sewing a veil or as a second layer of fabric on a dress.
  • Style. It can be both a lush outfit and a tight-fitting mermaid dress made of dense, non-translucent fabric. 
  • Décor. Unusual and unique make the dress embroidery and a large number of precious stones, which embroider both the bride's outfit and the wedding hijab.


Experts fashion designers at Wedding dresses in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia explain wedding dresses in the Muslim style differ from the outfits of other cultures in a closed style since according to Arab traditions, the manifestation of sexuality on the part of the bride is unacceptable. 

The bride is always been the centre of attraction in the Arabic wedding! It looks luxurious, and its decoration and accessories are lush and rich, which can be seen in wedding photos. We hope that the story of the image of the Arab bride inspired you to create your style when choosing a dress and accessories for a wedding .

Adnan Akbar
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