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Why is SEO important for a business on the online?

Why is SEO important for a business on the online?

Why is SEO important for a business on the online?(miami seo)

Let's imagine that we have a business located in a side street in miami, one of the main commercial arteries of the city. What's going on? Not even half as many customers enter the store as they would if the premises were located on the same promenade that we have mentioned.

Something very similar happens with search engines. Everyone wants to appear on the first page of 

Google because with it the chances of a user accessing the website skyrocket. On the other hand, appearing on the second, third or fourth page drastically reduces the arrival of organic traffic, that is, visitors who access from a search engine.

Two really convincing figures in this regard: more than 30% of clicks go to the first organic result of Google , while 95% of users never go beyond the first page of results.

If a business wants to be visible to its customers in the online environment, it needs to appear in the highest positions in search engine rankings. This is the main reason why SEO has become a basic ingredient for the success of any company on the Internet.

Visibility is what companies that invest in SEO are after. However, this is not the only advantage of organic positioning, but it also brings with it another series of benefits such as credibility.

When Google values ​​that a company's website is relevant and worthy of appearing among the first results, the idea that this business is trustworthy is reflected in the mind of the consumer. In this way, users are more likely to place their trust, and with it their money, in a company that is positioned in Google.

On the other hand, SEO is one of the Inbound Marketing tools with the best ROI . SEO attracts visitors and does not break into the consumer's life through an ad, for example. In this way, when the user has a problem, they go to Google to solve it and if the company has done a good SEO job, 

it will appear among the first positions as a possible solution for the client. The big difference compared to other techniques is that SEO generates visitors organically without the need to invest in advertising.

Keep in mind that SEO is a profitable investment in the medium and long term . Although it is  possible to see results quickly depending on the business niche, the average time for a website to position itself is around 6 months.

However, SEO is not the panacea for companies that struggle in the digital environment. It is one more mechanism to become visible, but it is useless to attract visitors if a website is not capable of generating conversions and this is where other strategies such as web design or copywriting come into play.

In short, businesses that understand the importance of SEO and bet on it are the ones that will make a difference and will be above their competition. (free miami seo)

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