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Steps To Fill The CDAC C-CAT Application form 2022

IET Pune
Steps To Fill The CDAC C-CAT Application form 2022

Today the employment sector is growing fast, and everyone is looking for alternatives to create a unique place in the market. And to create a fantastic location as an employee and develop your skill set, you need comprehensive technical programs to support your profile. CDAC or Centre of Development for Advanced Computing is a specialised course that offers excellent insights into computing and its wide range of aspects.  

Students from different statures apply for PGDAC in CDAC to add more value to their profile. However, before applying for the course, you need to fill out an application form for the entrance test called CDAC C-CAT. Want to know the detailed procedure to fill out the form? Then this guide is for you! 

The underlying subheads cover all the points you need to know to register for the CDAC C-CAT exam. 

CDAC C-CAT registration 2022

The registration process for the 2022 session is not yet started. Once the online application form port is opened, you need to register. It is a straightforward process where you need to feed all your details. It might include your name, contact number, e-mail address, etc. It will generate your registration ID and password. You will need it for further procedures. 

Filling Application Form

Once you are done with the registration process, proceed to the form-filling procedure. Log in to your registered ID with the generated password. Press enter, and a screen with the application form will appear in front of you. Start filling out the application form. Also, keep your documents like previous mark sheets, identity proof, etc., with you to avoid any mistakes. Remember, the details you fill in should be exact as any error might lead to rejection. Once you are done, proceed to the next step. 

Uploading Photograph

Once you are done filling in all the details, you need to upload your photograph. Ensure that you already have your passport-sized photo scanned and reduced to the estimated size. Usually, a size picture under 150 is required for application forms of PGDAC. You can watch the photograph or use the online scanner and photo compressor to get the reduced scanned image. 

CDAC C-CAT Application Fee Payment

Once your photo is uploaded, you will be directed towards the payment section. You need to pay the application fee as per your application request. Depending on your course for CDAC placement, your expenses will be decided. The costs might range from 1350 to 1750 depending on the papers you choose. Once you are done with the payment, a print view of the application form will appear, along with the payment receipt. Print the application form as you will need it later. 

Once you print the application form, you are done. Although, you do need to remember your registration ID and password for future procedures like downloading of admit card and result. 

IET Pune
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