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Digital Marketing course in Bangalore

Digital Marketing course in Bangalore

Digital Marketing has been round the corner and it has been a while. The online mode of marketing, that has become the trend of every business today, uses internet and online-based digital technologies available to promote products and services, connect with potential clients/target audiences.

It not only includes email marketing and social media advertising but also text and multimedia based messages that are treated as marketing channels.

Coming to Bangalore, the technological hub of the country was probably first among tier 1 cities to catch up with time faster.

Today, given the demand, resulting from the huge number of established and start-up companies that Bangalore houses, there are too many institutes that have taken up the responsibility to upgrade the skills of existing workforce in a similar domain.

In this situation when we have so many Digital marketing courses in Bangalore to choose from one definitely wouldn’t want to miss out on the best. But honestly speaking, there is no “ the best “ because there are many who are very good at their work, so it all boils down to what you want from it.

Some important things to take into consideration while taking a decision in this regard are:

1.      Who are the trainers along the same line?

While it is important to have concrete information about the institute and accordingly zero in on one and enroll, however, it's equally important to know if the professionals who are training the aspirants are relevant to your requirement. Digital marketing is a broader domain and if we shift our focus on the subdomains or what’s in the curriculum, what experience the trainers carry when it comes to the same and how have they grown along similar lines making a mark for themselves, this will give us an idea and aid in taking the right decision and enrolling in the appropriate institute.

Hence, information on the training professionals should be a significant part of our investigation while doing our homework searching for Digital marketing course in Bangalore.

2.      Does the curriculum train us to earn the necessary certifications?

Certificates are provided by every institute that is providing Digital marketing courses in Bangalore, but today companies aren’t that ignorant and know it as a matter of fact that institutes' certificates carry a value only when students are examined well. As the saying goes, a smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor. Similarly, institutes in every nook and corner of Bangalore provide course certifications to the students who have taken their courses.

The real test of learning and skill comes into play when students clear exams conducted by Google because most organizations prefer their potential employees to earn this certificate as it carries a lot of value and elevates an individual’s profile to a new level. That being said, it also makes one more employable as compared to one’s competitors.

Hence, google certification is a must to enter this industry and have a progressive career.

Over the years few institutes have really risen up to the expectations of the industry and made a mark for themselves which is clearly projected in the following

1.      Well placed students

2.      Growth of their students in the long run

3.      Cracking good package deals ( CTA )

4.      Feedback from all associated with the institute

5.      Becoming the People’s choice etc.

One of the institutes that stands out is –


The content of every premier institute is mostly the same as they all cater to the demand of the industry, based on which the following curriculum is covered by all –

1.      Advanced keyword search

2.      Search engine optimization ( SEO )

3.      Content writing & blogging

4.      E-mail & Video marketing

5.      Search engine & Social media marketing

6.      Optimized content creation

7.      Social media optimization

8.      Analytics

9.      Web Development

10.  Lead Generation

11.  Internet basics

12.  Affiliate marketing

13.  Digital marketing strategies



One of the leading institutions that has created a brand value for itself in such quick span post its launch. Digital marketing course in Bangalore offered by IIMSKILLS has been fulfilling so many aspirations that today not only its students but also their grand footing into the corporate and the consequent career growth speaks volumes of how much the institute has contributed to their success story.

The details of the course are as follows -

Course Name – Digital Marketing Masters course

Course Duration – 5 months

·        3 months live online class training along with assignments

·        2 months paid internship

·        Live projects and case studies

·        Content also includes preparation for many other certification exams including Google, Hubspot and Facebook.


Fee – Rs 34,900 + 18% GST

Email - [email protected]

Contact - 9911839503

Address - IIMSKILLS Corporate Office: H B Twin Tower, 8th Floor, Max Hospital Building, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura New Delhi 110034.

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