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Misconceptions about Match Betting Busted!

Edge Alerter
Misconceptions about Match Betting Busted!

There has been a growing addiction to sports betting since COVID all around the USA. 47 million Americans placed bets on different online betting platforms in 2019. It is a prime pastime for so many people. The word ‘luck’ is associated with gambling. It can be quite risky to rely on luck and stake your money, but if you bet with strategies, there is a huge chance that you may win. 

Having that said, betting has brought along with it many misconceptions. Even the regular punters believe in certain misconceptions. Here in this blog, let us bust some misconceptions and look forward to healthier match betting.

Myth 1: Tips will help you win the bet! 

During the betting sessions, there is often a person who claims to have all the knowledge and what the result is going to be. However, the truth is that their match betting tips are useless. They are also doing the guesswork just like you.

Sports are unpredictable and no matter how much ‘betting expert’ a person is, they cannot for sure tell you the accurate result of the game. So, instead of relying on self-proclaimed experts, better improve your strategies and increase your chances of winning.

Myth 2: Heavy Boat Theory

Here is another unreasonable myth in sports betting. You must have bumped into ‘heavy boat theory if you are a regular punter.’ According to this theory, if any particular sports outcome gets more money, the smaller are the chances of its winning. Hundreds of matches occur every day, and the favorite team often wins. However, as humans, it is our nature to be suspicious, and thus when we see that most money is placed on our favorite team, we believe that we are being played.

Myth 3: Matches are Already Fixed by Bookies 

The Bookies will gain nothing by fixing the match. Their job is to organize the betting activities for the betting lovers and earn a commission. They don’t know and can’t tell how the match will end and the result. 

Myth 4: Betting is not Profitable 

It is completely untrue. A lot of people leave their job to get into full-time betting. Betting is quite profitable; you can earn a lot of money if you use the right strategies. There are so many sports betting apps for the punters to play, win, place odds and watch the match live. Not just that, you can also talk to their experts for horse racing tips.

Like other business ventures, if you want to be an expert and professional punter, you need both time and money to understand how exactly the betting works, the odds, and how to make a strategy for accurate betting.


It may be tempting to believe some of the comments thrown around betting shops and expert tips; it’s always better to use common sense and logic. However, you can use Edge Alerter, a system that identifies value in racing, through algorithms that monitor price and volume data. They use Edge Alerter uses a 100% quantitative approach that increases your chance of winning. 

Read More Here About Complete Guide to Sports Betting in Australia!

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