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6 Factors To Consider Before You Pick The Perfect Banquet For Your Wedding

The Almond
6 Factors To Consider Before You Pick The Perfect Banquet For Your Wedding

When the date for your marriage gets fixed, the next big thing is to choose the venue. We understand that you are already planning the destination, pre-wedding photoshoots, and the dress you will wear on your Big Day. 

Moreover, your family cannot wait to make it official and print out invitations and send them. But, to conduct these wedding celebrations, you need to manage the space where you will say “I do”.

Banquet requires special attention as it has all the power to either make or break your dream wedding. So, here we are with 6 crucial aspects to discuss before you choose your marriage banquet hall in Kolkata.

Prepare a list that would be part of the wedding

Planning a wedding comes with many responsibilities and involves a lot of expenses, too. So, do not get carried away in the excitement. Rather, sit down, take a pen and note down the elements that will be part of your wedding

The list includes food, decoration, photography, and rooms to stay in (for your guest), whether it will be an indoor or outdoor banquet hall. Also, decide whether it will be a destination wedding. Now, check if all these would be accessible at the banquet that you want to book. 

Fix your budget

When you are done with the list, plan out the approximate budget that you are really going to spend on the occasion. Separate the amount that you want to spend on the wedding hall. Talk to the banquet management to know about the packages. Ask whether you can include all the listed items within the package. 

Ask whether you need to pay more if you customize the packages. Go through the terms and conditions and get a clear idea about any additional charges. Please do not exceed the budget as it might affect the other wedding ceremonies. And, always read the papers before you sign the booking formalities with the marriage banquet hall in Kolkata.

Choose the location

First, decide whether you will conduct a small event or a big one and how many guests you are going to invite. Based on these aspects, you must have sufficient space so that the location doesn't feel congested. Moreover, it should be easy to reach, accessible and have enough parking space. 

Also, check the available routes to reach the banquet using public transport. So, visit the location, talk to the host of the banquet, and ask whether they have any plan B if things go wrong. Check the sitting arrangements and the area for food and catering services.

Decide the theme of the Decor

It gets impossible to incorporate the theme you would like to include in various banquet halls. Thus, you might have to settle for the ones that they provide. So, do not compromise and choose The Almond. You can ask them to give a vivid explanation of the themes they provide. 

Before you finalize, get a clear idea of whether there would be traditional decorations, music, folk dances, cuisines, and the kind of starters they would be serving. Do not forget about the small details such as the flowers, lights, curtains, drapes, etc. Get to the depth and check every detail minutely.

A complete evaluation of the wedding banquet

Before you finalize the banquet, check the available dates and if there is any price hike during the peak wedding season. Get to know how much advance you need to pay or how much advanced time you have to book the banquet. Ask about the discounts and also if there is any black backup plan for extra food or guests. 

You can also get the details about specific basic amenities such as Wi-Fi, audio-visual equipment, charging stations, etc. Furthermore, you must minutely inspect the precautions and safety measures that are available inside the hall in case of an emergency. 

Go through the reviews

Conducting a little research won’t do any harm. Check the ratings and do not choose a banquet below 4 point stars. You can go through the reviews and talk to those who had previously booked the banquet. These would impart a clear view of what you are singing into. 

Further, this creates complete transparency of the banquet’s facilities and management. Check specifically the comments about the staff's behavior, food served, and hygiene of the hall. 


Planning a wedding can be quite challenging. But, you must not take all the pressure and stress. Nowadays, banquets provide every tiniest thing that would be necessary to plan a perfect wedding. 

The Almond offers a satisfying and luxurious arrangement for you and your guest. The venue has premium features and quality intact facilities that you simply won’t have much to work with. So, don’t fret; it's time to act wisely and always plan ahead of time. Congratulations in advance for your wedding.

The Almond
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