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The latest collection of Yoga bags is for sale today

The latest collection of Yoga bags is for sale today

We provide the best Yoga bags to help you carry your yoga mat and personal belongings where you go. The bag is made with cork& it is antimicrobial and easy to clean. Inside our bag, there is a double zipper that you can quickly remove your mat from the bag without completely unzipping & bag includes an outside pocket for carrying your possessions. This bag is best because it’s a fully adjustable cotton belt. Visit our website at: corkinvogue.com to order it now & find more info about us.

The main aim of Corkinvogue is to contribute to the world’s transition from plastic to sustainable materials such as cork, rubber, wood, and recycled plastic.

We believe that each everyday object can be rebuilt using these raw materials, an idea that will make a huge difference in the future of our planet.

To address the global plastic crisis, we need to think and act both globally and locally. It is no coincidence that Portugal is the world’s largest cork producing country and Portuguese industry is increasingly focused on recycling.

Based on this vast experience and accumulated knowledge, Corkinvogue creates sustainable solutions – products made of recycled materials and beautifully designed. 


Cork in vogue is a family business based in Portugal offering a range of different products made from cork, rubber, wood and recycled plastic. 

As world citizens, we are aware of and concerned about the destruction of natural resources. Our focus is to recycle materials, transform them, and make the recycling cycle infinite.

We conceive and design high quality products, offering sustainable and environmentally friendly materials, with a sophisticated and fashionable look.

We pride ourselves of our Made in Portugal tag and we work together with others small and medium size Portuguese companies.

And of course, our products are 100% made in Portugal.

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