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Psoriasis isn’t Contagious, But Awareness Should Always Come First

Rakesh Kumar
Psoriasis isn’t Contagious, But Awareness Should Always Come First

Psoriasis is an untidy skin disease that leads to the multiplication of skin cells up to 10 times even faster than usual. This builds up the skin into irregular red patches tucked with white scales. 

Psoriasis, moreover, doesn't pass from person to person. Sometimes it happens to the members of the same family. It usually grows in the early ages of adulthood. They can appear anywhere but can be mainly spotted on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.

1. Nail Psoriasis 

If you are suffering from nail psoriasis, it's necessary to examine your fingernails and toenails to spot signs of nail psoriasis. General symptoms include:

● Little cracks in your nails 

● White, yellow, or brown stains

● Falling of nails

● Nails getting apart from your finger or toe

● Skin coming beneath your nail

● Blood clotting in your nail

If you are witnessing any of these signs or other issues with your nail, consult your dermatologist. Surgeries can help you get rid of nail psoriasis and lower down pain.

2. Scalp Psoriasis

Signs of minor scalp psoriasis may comprise only slight, fine scaling. The indications of acute to severe scalp psoriasis include:

● Scaly, red, bumpy stains

● Silvery-white scales forming on the scalp

● Spotting dandruff 

● Dehydrated scalp

● Itching and irritation 

● Scalp burning

● Hair fall issues

If you possess any of these symptoms, you should immediately tell your doctor or dermatologist. They can conduct a skin biopsy to determine similar cases like seborrheic dermatitis.

To sign off

If an itchy skin condition occurs, it will come and go throughout your life. It's linked to an overactive immune stimulation, not contagious. 

If you're witnessing changes in your skin that aren't going away, you can check out for more details on our website, and then immediately consult a doctor.

Rakesh Kumar
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