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Sports Works
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Every youngster is entitled to a chance. SportsWorks is on a mission to assist youngsters find hope and opportunities in life. Poverty has a wide range of effects on children. Our programmes are tailored to fulfill the holistic requirements of children in order to better prepare them for a better future. Through sports education in a Christian values-based context, we want to better the lives of economically underprivileged children and youth. Our sports programmes promote exercise, social connection, and moral development, all of which are important factors in boosting self-esteem and confidence.

We also provide dietary advice as well as educational services including tutoring, mentorship, Global Sports Ministries , homework help, Best Sports Ministries and a financial literacy programme. We embrace kids from all walks of life and partner with low-income families to give scholarships and inexpensive access to our basketball, tennis, flag football, and soccer programmes. GuideStar USA has awarded SportsWorks the platinum certification for our dedication to transparency, the highest honor attainable. God's love, design, and purpose for each child should be explained and shown. SportsWorks is a faith-based organization that believes in the Bible's truthfulness and truth. We teach Bible concepts, values, and morality to the children who attend our programmes, as well as sharing the gospel. We think that by doing so, children will understand that God has a special plan and purpose for each of them, and that they may live a full and meaningful life. Children learn via our programmes and teachings that they may make good choices in life and avoid poverty and a bleak destiny as adults.

Provide the educational assistance that each kid needs to achieve academic achievement. SportsWorks is able to deliver books and educational tools to children through partnering with First Book and collaborating with local colleges and volunteer organizations. Children who can read at grade level by the third grade are more likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college, according to studies. All of the children in our programmes get books that they own, allowing them to read at home with their families. Visit us online at https://www.sportsworks.ngo/

Sports Works
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