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Find a Local SEO Expert

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Find a Local SEO Expert

Local SEO is becoming more and more important to find success in today's online market. But as the field becomes more competitive, it can be hard to know who you can trust and where to turn for assistance.

This post outlines what you need to know about local SEO and provides some resources for finding a qualified SEO consultant.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is the process of increasing a website's rankings for local businesses and improving its position in the search results for local keywords. (More on some of the important search terms below.)

If you're new to SEO, you might not understand why local SEO is so important. Every day, people search for products, services, and reviews from all over their neighborhoods and city. That's why it's critical to get your business in front of these customers – and your website's ranking among those results. It can be difficult for a site to be found when there are so many others competing for page one. That's where local SEO helps.

Getting ranked for local keywords can also be a great source of traffic, leads, and sales for local businesses.

The Importance of Local SEO

If you're a business owner, you might have heard of local SEO but not known what it was. Or maybe you'd heard the term, but weren't certain why it mattered to your business. Here are some of the ways that local SEO can help – and lead to more leads, sales, traffic and customers.

Getting Found in Search Results

It's true that Google is a massive company. It has lots of users around the world who turn to its search engine every day for information on products, services and companies around them. And now Google provides personal results so users get information about items such as their next best restaurant or movie.

It's important for any business to take advantage of this. With local SEO, you can ensure that your site is ranked in the front area of search results for the keywords that matter most to your business. You'll be found by users and attract their attention with your message, which will lead them to visit your site and ultimately turn into leads, sales or traffic.

Getting More Traffic

Being found in Google's search results also means that you can get more traffic to your website. If a user is searching for something and finds you as a result, they might like what they see – and click on your site. That's traffic that leads directly back to you, which can lead directly to conversions on your website.

Getting More Leads

More traffic means more people who are interested in what your business has to offer. And if you're targeting the right search terms, these people might be interested in what your business has to offer. With local SEO, you can get more traffic – and more leads – by showing up in front of the people who want to buy from you.

Getting a Competitive Edge Against Your Competition

Many businesses are competing for page one on Google's search results. It's one of the toughest areas of online marketing to get ranked at all, let alone move up into top positions. But with local SEO, you can improve your position and compete for page one against other businesses of the same category.

Whether you're a startup or a more established business, getting in front of more potential customers by being found in the first few results is essential to your success as an online business… and to your success as a person.

Where to Find Local SEO Experts

You can find local SEO experts online or through networking groups or events. You might also be able to find these professionals through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Another way to find local SEO professionals is to look for them in your local area. There are networking groups and events listed in the search results on this page that can help you find other business owners and entrepreneurs who could be a good fit for you.

You can also conduct an online search for "SEO consultants" or "SEO firms" to see what options will show up for different areas near you. It's important to be sure that the people or companies you work with have experience working with local businesses so they understand your niche and have the expertise required to rank your site in local search results.

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