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Join A Pathway to Digital Transformation with FVC & Prakash Krishnamurthy

 Join A Pathway to Digital Transformation with FVC & Prakash Krishnamurthy

Today, the world is undergoing exceptional transitions in terms of businesses. Leaders are coming up with advanced business models, and growth is exponential all around us. In between all this, we learned about FVC, an organization going on for more than 20 years now. It’s excellent to know how FVC has seen so many changes throughout the years.

When we asked Prakash Krishnamurthy, the CSO of FVC, about the company, he said, “In the year 2000, we envisaged a huge potential in the conferencing industry – which included Video & Audio conferencing. The top leadership team wanted to capitalize on the proximity of the complete Middle East & African region – which enlightened us towards establishing a distribution platform. At that point of time, Dubai was also emerging as a Trade Hub, which was a motivation to augment our business towards exponential levels. Today, FVC is a highly reputed distribution entity conducting business in nearly 50+ countries with local offices in key regions all across the MEA territory. FVC has also diversified its operations in 4 divisions – UCC, AV, Services & Cybersecurity.

Companies have different goals – but the most common dream is to attain immense success. “Our goal is to continue to be one of the leading distribution platforms by introducing niche and innovative technologies and solutions across the MEA region. FVC will strive hard to build a plethora of highly skilled, committed and empowered channel community. After achieving a robust 30% growth in the year 2021 – we are poised at the juncture of leap-frogging exponentially towards aspirational revenue growth of 40% YOY.” says Prakash Krishnamurthy. 

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