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Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy – Dr. Archana Salve

Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy – Dr. Archana Salve

First-time mothers worry about following the pregnancy's dos and don'ts in their daily routines.

Women are facing plenty of health issues as a result of changing times and a demanding lifestyle. A maternity doctor is responsible for not only pregnancies but also a variety of other issues concerning women’s health. Most unmarried women are afraid of being judged by their Gynecologists if they discuss their reproductive health. If you are facing pregnancy complications then, visit, Fertiprotect and Superspecialty Center which is provides an Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility doctor in Pune

As a result, I wrote about the typical queries I hear from patients on a regular basis.


• A pregnant woman should eat three main meals and three snacks every day. It ought to consist of salads, leafy greens, fruits, nuts, milk, and dairy products.

• A pregnant woman should have modest meals every two hours to keep her blood sugar levels stable since the child in the womb needs glucose constantly.

• Stay well clear of packaged, processed and junk food.

• As long as non-vegetarian food has been properly cooked and well washed, it can be consumed.


• Two cups of coffee, or 200 mg of caffeine, can be consumed each day.

• Stay well clear of carbonated beverages, ice tea, etc. as they contain more caffeine, which might cause babies to be born underweight.

• Stay well clear of carbonated beverages, ice tea, etc. as their increased caffeine concentration can result in low birth weight babies.

• Remain properly hydrated. And during the day, consume three liters of water.


• Avoid doing back and stomach workouts.

 • You can take a 30-minute walk in the morning and the evening.


• A pregnant woman should lie down on either side for 8 hours at night and 2 hours in the afternoon.


Throughout your entire pregnancy, you should wear loose, comfortable clothing and flat shoes. Stress of any type should also be avoided.


• As until 36 weeks pregnant, you can travel without risk as long as both you and your unborn child are healthy.

• From 14 to 28 weeks into your pregnancy is the safest time to travel.

• In simple conditions, flying is not prohibited. Pregnancy

• Travel within the domestic and foreign 28-32 week period is acceptable.

• Traveling is not advised if you have issues like pre-eclampsia, preterm labour, or twin pregnancy.

• Make an appointment with your obstetrician for a checkup before you depart.


• Women with pre-existing conditions including epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, asthma, or any other medical issue should speak with their obstetrician because they can result in a number of problems in the unborn child. You should change these medications while you are pregnant.

Take folic acid and vitamin D supplements

By a large margin, folic acid lowers your baby's risk of neural tube problems including spina bifida.

Start taking 400 micrograms of folic acid as a supplement as soon as you find out you're expecting until the end of the first trimester (week 12 of your pregnancy).

If you have diabetes or epilepsy, for example, you might require a greater dose of folic acid. This can only be obtained with a prescription. Learn more folic acid information

Additionally, taking a vitamin D supplement while expecting or nursing is advised. This promotes the growth of strong bones, teeth, and muscles in your child.

You only need these two nutrients throughout pregnancy, coupled with a healthy, balanced diet.



·      Smoking: genetic defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate, early birth, and low birth weight are all at an increased risk.

·      Alcohol: It is related to unusual facial features and issues with the central nervous system.

·      No Sauna or heat baths: The baby's growth may be impacted by a rise in body temperature.

·      Pets: Pet litter should not be cleaned since it contains several parasites including Toxoplasma gondii, which can seriously harm a baby's health.

Dr. Archana Salve is compassionate and empathetic towards her patients. She has a wide 9 years of experience in Obstetrics and gynecology, dealing with maternity care and infertility. She strongly believes in two-way communication and sharing complete information with the patients on their journey.

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