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A quick guide to the car recycling process

CMR-KATARIA Recycling Pvt. Ltd.
A quick guide to the car recycling process

Recycling has become a habit in India keeping in mind the importance of sustainability. There has always been the practice of separating paper, cardboard, and bottles and safely recycle them, but what about the cars? Therefore, if you're considering if it's time to "scrap my car," you might also be curious about the procedure that your car will go through after being delivered to one of the car scrap market in Ahmedabad.

The Indian Prime Minister unveiled the 2021 auto scrappage programme in Gujarat at an investor summit. The implementation of the automobile scrappage policy is anticipated to mark a significant turning point in our nation's development. There is a significant rise in car scrap companies in India and here is a brief overview of the car recycling process for you to understand the method better - 

Gather up reusable parts 

The act of gathering reusable parts essentially entails gathering parts that are still functional. Parts are kept on-site at our ATFs where they are examined and divided into salvageable portions that can be sold on or parts that can be safely disposed of after they have been used up.

De-pollution procedure

Under the End of Life Vehicles Directive, vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes in weight that are scrapped must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. As a result, traditional batteries and hazardous waste materials like oil, coolant, and other automotive fluids are drained and disposed of appropriately.


Then, using a shredder, your car is disassembled into little bits and sorted according to the kind of material it is made of. In the UK, some of the largest machines can disassemble a car in under 15 seconds. Once the components are reduced to manageable pieces, they drop through a grate onto a conveyor belt where they will be sorted.


As the conveyor belt moves, powerful industrial magnets are used to remove the various fragments of steel, leaving behind the plastics and non-ferrous metals. Steel makes nearly 70% of a car's weight and is very expensive when it is unprocessed.


Lighter, non-ferrous materials are removed using vacuum technology. To prepare them for cleaning in the following stage, foams, rubbers, textiles, and light plastics are extracted.


The materials described above used to be disposed of in landfills, but today they are heated up and transformed into gas by tall rotating boxes. Two tonnes of garbage may produce enough power to run the typical home for a whole year thanks to this gas, which can then be utilised to create steam for electricity!

Benefits of Vehicle Scrapping

  • Getting rid of outdated automobiles will improve air quality and reduce air pollution.
  • There will be a desire for new vehicles as the old ones are scrapped.
  • The implementation of the car scrappage programme will create employment opportunities as it will require more labour for automobile scrapping.
  • Incentives for dumping obsolete vehicles may include tax benefits for the owners of those vehicles.
  • Recycling will generate significant cash.
  • Compared to the older automobiles, the new ones will be safer.

CMR-KATARIA Recycling Pvt. Ltd.
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