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5 Ways to Overcome Your Stumbling Blocks to a Healthy Heart

Maitry Cardiology Clinic
5 Ways to Overcome Your Stumbling Blocks to a Healthy Heart

There are endless reasons to avoid taking care of our hearts. A busy lifestyle, endless love with fried food, sedentary lifestyle and working from home with the desk and chair. While a lot of these reasons are valid, the trick lies in not letting these reasons be an excuse for poor health and lifestyle. 

Heart diseases make up for the number one cause of death in the worldwide population. The reasons of which and the causes are entirely within our control. Ultimately, everyone needs to choose making relevant lifestyle changes that will stick for long. A healthy lifestyle habit is easier said than done. However, doctors suggest that people should regularly check for symptoms that may indicate a heart issue. 

You can start by trying to implement any one of the five steps for the next hundred days and look for changes. 

Get yourself an exercise partner: 

Having an exercise partner to accompany you while you go to the gym or even try your hands at yoga is the best way to keep yourself motivated and avoid skipping out of the routine. When you have a willing partner to go along with a new journey, it will give you encouragement to follow through with determination. Pick up your spouse or your friend and make sure you can hold each other accountable while pushing each other to become better. 

Schedule and set reminders: 

Scheduling activities daily helps you create a prompt to Trigger yourself and remind you to fulfil the task. If you are starting a new journey towards a healthy lifestyle, try to schedule your activities into your workday and prompt yourself to follow the same. The prompt can be e like an alarm or a reminder on your mobile phone that encourages you to take that extra step towards fulfilling your health goals. Consult for the best heart specialist doctor in Indore


Begin with baby steps: 

It’s best to start small. Changing or transforming your lifestyle is not an easy task. Some people find it hard to adjust suddenly to changes. If you are one such person, start by writing one small thing that can improve your heart health in the coming week. These changes can be as small as replacing carbs rich grains with whole grains or adding a heart-healthy to your meals, or even eliminating carbonated drinks from your diet. Making it a point to achieve small things one by one can ensure easy adaptation to improve your heart health. 

Get yourself heart-healthy snacks: 

Preparing healthy food during your breaks or cooking a little extra on the weekends so that you can have the same during the week can I help you kickstart your heart-healthy lifestyle. If you are someone who loves to snack, you can even switch your packaged snacks with fruits, nuts and other heart-healthy snacks. Feel free to consult the best cardiologist doctor in Indore


Always take the stairs: 

Near every elevator that is your movement, there is a perfectly good set of stairs that may take you a little longer but helps you burn all the extra carbs you had for lunch or dinner. Adding extra minutes of climbing stairs into your daily routine can I help you strengthen your bones and muscles while moving you closer to your healthy heart goals

Maitry Cardiology Clinic
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