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The Most Important Website Analytics to Keep Track of and Why?

Salman Khalid
The Most Important Website Analytics to Keep Track of and Why?

a website is very important – you can see the list of visitors coming to your site and the details about them like where they are coming from, the age and gender of visitors and when they visit the website most and such data.

There is so much more and that is why we have come up with a list of most important website analytics that needs to be tracked and why it is necessary.


1.   Average Time of Visitor on the Page

This means the amount of time a visitor spends on a web page. If a visitor is spending a good amount of time on a blog then you can leverage other blogs according to this one. This shows how effective your content is.

The average time spent on a landing page is 3 to 5 minutes and the average time spent on a web page containing a blog or an article is 7 to 9 minutes – this is a standardized benchmark.

           Steps to Track Average Time on Page

-       Go to Google analytics account

-       Navigate to Reports > Tools

-       Click on Traffic Analytics

-       Select Pages

-       Select Time on Page and you will be able to see a chart.


2.   Page Views

This means the number of times a web page is visited. A visitor may visit a web page over and over again. This is good news because it will rank faster as Google crawlers will understand that it has important information on it. Also, if a visitor reloads the page twice, it will count as two views on the web page.

           Steps to Track Page Views

-       Go to Google analytics account

-       Navigate to Reports > Tools

-       Click on Traffic Analytics

-       Select Pages

-       Select Pages View and you will be able to see the number of views on a web page.

You can also see total views.


3.   Pages Per Session

This means how many pages did the visitor visit and how much time they spent on a single web page. This will help you understand the issue with a specific page that the visitor may not find informative or interesting and you will get an idea why the visitor opted for the next pages. To increase pages per session count, you have to interlink a blog or recommend reading different blogs or articles.

           Steps to Track Pages Per Session

-       Go to Google analytics account

-       Navigate to Reports > Tools

-       Click on Traffic Analytics

-       Select the Browser, Countries, Device Types, UMT Parameters, Topic clusters or Sources

-       Select Sessions / Page Views and you will be able to see a chart


4.   Average Session Duration

Session is basically a set of interactions with a site within a set period of time which is one or two hours. A single session is equated with a single visitor’s time on a site – either the visitor views the whole site or a single web page. To improve average session duration, you will require to improve website design, add more images, make more readable content and improve navigation.

           Steps to Track Average Session Duration

-       Go to Google analytics account

-       Navigate to Reports > Tools

-       Click on Traffic Analytics

-       Select the Browser, Countries, Device Types, UMT Parameters, Topic clusters or Sources

-       Select Average Session Length and you will be able to see a chart


5.   Bounce Rate

Increase in bounce rate is a nightmare for all website owners. Too much of bounce rate will rank down your website. The bounce rate is the percentage of a visitor who waits on the page to load and exits the page without interacting at all – or visiting any page at all. This usually happens when the loading speed of the web page is slow.

           Steps to Track Bounce Rate

-       Go to Google analytics account

-       Navigate to Reports > Tools

-       Click on Traffic Analytics

-       Select the Browser, Countries, Device Types, UMT Parameters, Topic clusters or Sources

-       Select Bounce Rate and you will be able to see a detailed chart about it.


6.   New and Old Visitors

Having old visitors come back is a huge success – this means the new visitors will become regular visitors as well. If this happens, consider that your website is ranking higher and it is progressing. If you are not getting new visitors and the old ones keep on decreasing, then you have to work on your SEO and marketing strategy, create unique content, add staggering images and create backlinks.

           Steps to Track New Visitors

-       Go to Google analytics account

-       Navigate to Reports > Tools

-       Click on Traffic Analytics

-       Select the Browser, Countries, Device Types, UMT Parameters, Topic clusters or Sources

-       Select New Visitor Session and you will be able to see a chart – you can also see a column of old visitors in this chart.

7.   Traffic Sources

It is important to know where the visitors are coming from. When you know this, you could make more use of that source and work on different sources as well. Some common traffic sources can be as follows:

-     Direct: Traffic coming directly by a shared link over any device.

-     Email: The traffic is coming from an email containing a link to your website.

-     Referrals: This means the visitors are coming from social media or from website links that were clicked on online local directories.

-     Paid Search: This means traffic is coming by clicking on your website’s ad.

-     Organic Search: This means the traffic is coming directly from Google. Meaning people search for a query and choose your website.

Steps to Track Traffic Source

-       Go to Google analytics account

-       Navigate to Reports > Tools

-       Click on Traffic Analytics

-       Select Sources

-       You will be able to see a chart having different merits of sources


8.   Exit Pages

A visitor will have to exit the page even if the visitor stays at your website for an hour. But if a visitor exits the page in a very short period of time then there could be an issue.

           Steps to Track Exit Pages

-       Go to Google analytics account

-       Navigate to Reports > Tools

-       Click on Traffic Analytics

-       Select Pages

-       Select Exits or Exit Rates and you will be able to see a detailed chart   

Salman Khalid
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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