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Converting Figma Designs to Webflow

Kajal Kumari

Some innovators choose to reclaim a tenancy website from Figma to Webflow when constructing a website. Importing acquisitions from Figma to Webflow can be questioning if you haven’t contemplated pre-setting your styles in Figma It’s better if you have a Webflow Development Agency for the same. It would reduce a lot of stress.

Regardless of the challenges, both Webflow and Figma are special layout tools, submitting innumerable advantages. With that being said, we will provide you with an overview of how to convert Figma designs to Webflow in this article so let's dive in.

New Project

Assembling a new project using Webflow is the first and foremost step. Just going to the top right corner and clicking on the blue button will get you started with your project. Figma correspondingly utilizes a comparable configuration when constructing projects, which will come in opportunely during the transformation cycle.

Style Guide

One of the preferred paths to proceed with your site is by building your global tones. So what are the global styles?

All the default components, such as titles, paragraph styles, and link impressions are featured on a website comprising transnational styles. Matter of fact, if your Figma project doesn’t comprise the global styles specified, you can prepare your style guide, you require to duplicate the base technique guide or HTML tag template furnished there. Create a new page to paste the earlier copied or cloned style guide within your project folder.

Custom Colors

Next, you must give an introduction to custom colors and proclaim them globally. If you’d be manipulating too many colors, the promising route to go about it is by putting in a color-block division. 

Keep transforming its color frequently until all your swatches are created in Webflow.

Export Assets

Now that the initial phases in Webflow are comprehensive, you can commence shipping your Figma purchases. Make sure that you emphasize all components that you ought to export during the method grade. This will make exporting manageable and easy.

If you need to ship everything, you don't have to select any structures. 

If you need a distinct frame, select only that structure for exporting. You can use the Upload button and drag the frames directly from Webflow from the assets panel. New subfolders will be automatically presented in Webflow if your Figma scheme layers reach forwarding incisions.

Content Styling

This stage might emerge to be complicated. However, if you allocate generic phrases to your lessons and use a mixture of distinct characteristics, everything will quickly plunge to its spot.

Instead of using a name, it is suggested that you develop a combo lesson.

Create Interactions

When using Figma, the prototypes are balanced, making it tough to summarize problematic interchanges to the web in Webflow. Nevertheless, you retain a choice to do these interchanges from Webflow by characterizing them on a per-class basis. You also have the alternative of building new ones, surrounding considerable components or categories.

Modify and Publish

Finally, you can propel your layout live. If you require, you can notch up your design according to the appliances on which it will be considered. Before going live, examine your design on numerous devices to assure that the industry reasoning and design flow are taken care of, regardless of the interface.


Figma is a great design tool for developing high-fidelity designs, but it can be problematic to reclaim those designs into regulation for somebody who is not knowledgeable about Figma. Follow the steps in this article to quickly and easily convert your Figma designs to Webflow or ask your trusted Webflow expert for the same. Need further assistance? Reach out to us, and we'll be happy to help you out!

Kajal Kumari
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