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Top 10 Best IB schools in Bangalore 2022-23

K S Vijayanand
Top 10 Best IB schools in Bangalore 2022-23

When I was looking for schools for my daughters, I thought IB schools would be a great learning foundation for them. So I did some research on the top 10 IB schools in Bangalore, and this is what I discovered...

Harvard International School is one of the best IB schools in Banglore for your children, and it has a lot to offer them some are…

  • Their teaching methods are regularly expanded and modified using in-depth research into current teaching trends.
  • Harvest International School offers the best facilities for academics, athletics, crafts, and performing arts.
  • Professionals with the necessary training and expertise will act as mentors and advisers within and outside the classroom.
  • In Bangalore's Harvest International School, in addition to the government-funded Atal Tinkering Lab, there are individual scientific labs.
  • Their teaching methods are regularly expanded and modified using in-depth research into current teaching trends.
  • Harvest International school is one of the Best IB Schools In Bangalore and is dedicated to organizing curriculum, policies, and communities utilizing the PYP framework. We build the foundations and evolution of the school using the Programme standards and practices (PSP) framework, which supports the effective practice and represents the IB goal.

When we talk about giving children a top-notch education, the majority of parents are worried about the prices and fees. The cost of boarding and housing at Bangalore's IB schools is relatively low and affordable for students from both within and outside of the state thus, this school always ranks first among all the best IB schools in Bangalore. Students in the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and Middle Years Programme, according to research (MYP)

But why IB?

  • IB students are urged to use critical thinking and resolve challenging issues.
  • IB students can interact with people in a world that is becoming more international and undergoing fast change.
  • The IB encourages students of all ages to think about local and global settings, which sets its programs apart from other curricula.

They are delighted to say that Harvest International School is one of the 109 nations where PYP schools and students can be found, making it one of the Best IB Schools in Bangalore, according to a study.

Transportation Facilities

Given that the commute is one of the whims of our city, Harvest International has a fleet of 90 buses with well-planned itineraries to make sure that kids spend the least amount of time getting from one place to another. 

Transport drivers are thorough in driving and medical aid preparation. The students are accompanied by a female bus attendant and that's why I see Harvest International school as the best IB school in Bangalore.

The value of art education in the classroom

Studying the arts enhances learning in subjects like math and physics as well as the literary sphere, therefore Harvest International School is among the best IB schools in Bangalore and it enhances academic achievement in ways more than just encouraging creativity. Collaboration and group learning are also promoted through art education. 

  • Students who participate in extracurricular activities perform better academically. This is due to the skills they gain from participating in various activities. 
  • Students gain time management and organizational skills, as well as increased self-confidence. 
  • Students also learn to express themselves more effectively. Hence this school is the best IB school in Bangalore according to my research. 

Harvard International School has one room for music, two for performing arts, and one for crafts.

Sports facilities in school

I wanted my kids to participate in sports because I love to play, and this school is the best  IB school in Bangalore for doing so.

Participating in sports fosters a sense of community and teamwork. Students that push themselves to the limit and collaborate with others benefit. It allowed them to experience every feeling that a human being is capable of, which aids in the maintenance of all hormones. It teaches our wards to embrace their failures while also appreciating their victories.

To increment fearlessness, mental readiness, and confidence, understudies need to participate in school sports.

  • Understudies acquire authority abilities, persistence, cooperation, and interactive abilities through sports in schools
  • To make your child into a sportsperson, there are numerous sports available, like cricket, basketball, football, karate, athletics, etc. 
  • Sports boost their confidence in both the game and in everyday life.

Sports activities have physical advantages:

  • It maintains muscle

  • It increases physical stamina and keeps the mind sharp and in control.

  • It promotes the preservation of the heart's and other important organs' health.

Resources for Medical

  • At the school, annual health examinations, which include eye exams by specialists, are standard practice.
  • A well-stocked medical facility at Harvest International School is staffed by two certified nurses who can give our wards the necessary first assistance in an emergency.

You can choose Harvest International School as your first choice among the Best IB Schools in Bangalore for the reasons mentioned above.

K S Vijayanand
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