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Can you recycle used cooking oil?

Gordon Diamond
Can you recycle used cooking oil?

Cooking oil is a type of fat that is used in cookery to prevent the food from sticking to the pan or other cooking utensils. It can also be used as a condiment. There are many different types of cooking oil, including vegetable, peanut, corn, and olive oils. Cooking oil has many benefits, including being high in monounsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are beneficial because they reduce the risk of heart disease, while saturated fats are not as bad for you. They also help to keep your cholesterol levels down.

Types of cooking oil

  1. Vegetable oils are made from plants such as sunflower, corn, and olive oils. 

These oils are used to cook food or to add flavor. There are a variety of vegetable oils available, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Sunflower oil is the most common type of cooking oil, and it is also the cheapest. Corn oil is more expensive, but it has a higher smoke point than sunflower oil, meaning that it can be used in hotter temperatures without burning. Olive oil has the greatest flavor and is therefore most often used for salad dressings and other savory foods.

  1. Animal oils come from meats such as beef, chicken, and duck fat. 

The most common animal oil is duck fat, which is found in most French fries and bread. Beef fat is also common, and is used for sauces, such as béarnaise sauce. Chicken fat is less common, but can be found in some Chinese dishes. 

Recycling options for used cooking oil

There are many different ways of cooking oil recycling in Vancouver. Composting is the most popular option, followed by collection centers and recycling. Here are some tips on each: 

  1. Composting is the most popular way to recycle used cooking oil. This process uses natural enzymes and bacteria to break down the oil into simple molecules that can be used by plants. It's a low-energy process that doesn't release any harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. 

  1. For Used cooking oil collection in Vancouver, collection centers receive Used Cooking Oil (UCO) from businesses and consumers. The UCO is then broken down into its parts, including vegetable oil, frying fats, and waxes, which are sold as products for consumers or businesses. Collection centers also help reduce our reliance on foreign oil by diverting this waste from landfills and contributing to Net Zero energy buildings.

Benefits of recycling used cooking oil: 

  1. Reduced environmental impact.

Cooking oil can be recycled and used again to cook food. Recycling cooking oil reduces environmental impact because it eliminates the need for new oil to be created in a factory. It also saves energy, because recycled oil is used instead of new oil. Recycled cooking oil is safe to use, as it does not contain any harmful chemicals.

  1. Reduced waste and increased energy efficiency.

Reduced waste is the most obvious benefit, but there are others. Recycling cooking oil conserves natural resources and reduces the amount of fuel needed to produce new oil. It also prevents toxic byproducts from being released into the environment when used cooking oils are burned or processed. Additionally, recycled cooking oils can be reused multiple times, making them a more environmentally friendly option than traditional oil products.

Redux Vancouver

105 N Commercial Dr, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5L 4V7, CA

(604) 255-9301

Gordon Diamond
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