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Janta Sweet Home

Janta Sweet Home

My cousin recently flew to Jodhpur from London, and guess where he went right away? “The Janta Sweet Home” in order to enjoy Janta's Mawakachori! The fact that someone coming from London after 5 years ended up at Janta Sweet Home rather than meeting his parents. It was not a big surprise for me because it doesn’t matter where you live across the globe, Janta’s Mawakachori has no competition and it brings real joy to everyone. The thought of tasty Mawakachori with sugar syrup on top is enough to make your mouth water, isn’t it??


Janta Sweet Home is a well-known sweet shop that was established with a grand legacy of being ‘about the people, for the people and it is a delight for the ones with a sweet tooth. It has a heritage of more than 40+ years. Janta Sweet Home, which began with one outlet in 1980, now has grown to 3 outlets in Jodhpur and has a team of more than 100 employees to help them fulfill the customer demand for ethically-made sweets. We know the team won't stop there! But what makes Janta so successful is its philosophy of serving the food with “Apnepan Ka Swaad”. It boasts plush interiors and its bright, glassy counters proudly display many varieties of sweets, namkeens, and savoury snacks. 


With a rich cultural heritage, sweets in India are synonymous with festivals and celebrations. Starting from North to South and ending East to West, Indians express their love through sweets, and Janta serves its goodies all over the country to celebrate this love of sweetness. Janta Sweet Home's best quality is that each dish is carefully crafted by its team to make it more delicious, fun, and exciting.


It is always a pleasure to eat something sweet, and Janta Sweet Home strives to do exactly that every single day. Janta offers a wide array of namkeen, snacks, and sweet combinations that will delight you extremely. Get in touch with them today and you can choose your favorite snacks and sweets right from home with Janta's online delivery options. Don't wait till the last minute to find a mithai shop - get your phone out and order the freshest and tastiest mithai from Janta Sweet Home!

Janta Sweet Home
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