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The Expert’s Guide to Store Vintage Clothing

Los Feliz Shop
The Expert’s Guide to Store Vintage Clothing

In a world where trends keep changing frequently, be someone who chooses forever fashion. Having some unique vintage clothes in the closet that last and make you look unique is a blessing for vintage enthusiasts. However, vintage clothing pieces require more tenderness, love, and care. So, you must be familiar with some simple tips for safeguarding delicate vintage pieces. Continue reading this post to learn the dos and don’ts for storing vintage clothing pieces safely –


·        Read the Instructions

When you buy vintage clothing, don’t forget to read and follow the instructions on its label. It is important to keep the clothes in good condition. Many people assume that dry cleaning is the solution to every problem related to clothing. But it is not the right approach. Rather, the harsh chemicals used in dry-cleaning can harm the delicate fiber of the clothing pieces. If you go to a dry cleaner, make sure they are familiar with the best practices for dealing with vintage clothing. 


  • Avoid Direct Light

The ultraviolet light from the sun and prolonged artificial light are both harmful to vintage clothing pieces. It can damage and rot the threads resulting in fabric deterioration and breakdown. So, if you don’t want your clothing pieces to get damaged, make sure you store them in a place where there is not too much light. A fully enclosed garment bag is perfect for protecting vintage clothing from direct sunlight, dust, mold, and moisture. Otherwise, be ready for fraying, fading, discoloration, and yellow spotting in your treasured clothing pieces.  


  • Let Fresh Air Come In 

Now that you know sunlight can harm your clothing pieces, it does not mean you should squash them together. When you hang your vintage clothing pieces, ensure to leave a 2-3 cm space so that your garments can breathe. The fresh air help nourish the fabrics, which nurtures their longevity. In addition, monitoring the humidity and temperature of the storage space is also important for the safety of the clothing. The natural, free-flowing air keeps the clothes refreshed, and it also helps get rid of the ‘vintage’ smell. So, choose a ventilated room, free from moisture, to preserve vintage clothing. 


The Final Word

We hope this post helps you learn various interesting things about vintage clothing and tips to store them. So, store your vintage clothes like a pro and style them in different ways to look your best. Moreover, if you are looking for a reliable platform to upgrade your vintage collection, you can count on Los Feliz. We believe the future is vintage, and having some timeless and classic clothing pieces are important for a perfect closet. Check out our small collection of hand-picked designer pieces like dresses, pants, and unique tops in Barcelona, known for their singularity and high quality that comes with their own history. Feel free to reach our website www.losfelizshop.com to learn more about us! 

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