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Tourist Places to Visit in Mathura Vrindavan

Mathura Vrindavan Tour Package
Tourist Places to Visit in Mathura Vrindavan

Mathura (or Brajbhoomi) is one of India’s most famous and peaceful cultural destinations, as it is the birthplace of Lord Krishna and is populated with temples and beautiful religious places. Mathura has a long and illustrious history, as evidenced by its heritage and diverse collection of art.

Although it is best to visit during a festival to experience the city’s true charm, it is also a great place to visit from October to March. Apart from religious places, there are markets to see and the Yamuna River to enjoy. Some of the best places to visit in Mathura are mentioned below:

Places to Visit in Mathura

  1. Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple: The temple is viewed as the most sacred place in Mathura since it is thought to be the birthplace of Lord Shri Krishna. A marble sculpture of Lord Krishna and small temples dedicated to various Gods and Goddesses are among the other attractions. Visit during one of the significant festivals such as Diwali or Holi, to see the location at its best. The birth of Bhagwan sets off the festivities at midnight.
  2. Dwarkadhish Temple: The temple, which is devoted to Lord Krishna, is a must-see for its elegance and architectural design. The entrance is built in Rajasthani theme, with a central courtyard, intricately carved pillars, and a spectacular painted ceiling. The temple is also known for its spectacular monsoon swing festival, which takes place at the beginning of the monsoon season. Keep in mind that if you visit during the Janmashtami festival, the temple will be at its most beautiful, though it may be packed.
  3. Gita Mandir: This famous landmark, also known as the Birla Mandir, is renowned for its spectacular architectures and culture. The 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita engraved and depicted on the temple’s pillars are key attractions. Although it is situated in the suburbs of Mathura, the red sandstone building has many detailed carvings and is one of the city’s most popular tourist attractions. You can also find idols of Lord Krishna, Narayana, Rama, Goddess Lakshmi, and Sita here.
  4. Vishram Ghat: Vishram Ghat, a bathing and worshipping place on the banks of the Yamuna, is the most significant of the 25 ghats Mathura has to offer, as it is believed that Lord Krishna relaxed here after slaying Kansa. It is built of marble stone and has a massive stone arch. It is surrounded by stunning temples and has a breath-taking view. Thousands of tiny oil lamps floating down the river during the evening aarti, which is a sight to behold.
  5. Kusum Sarovar: Radha used to come here to pick flowers and visit Lord Krishna. Aside from its cultural prominence, this reservoir is a popular one among Mathura tourist places. The Kusum Sarovar is 450 feet long and 60 feet deep, making it an ideal swimming spot. Tourists will enjoy a total getaway in the breath-taking scenery and serene environment, and do not forget to carry your camera because the views are mesmerising.
  6. Govardhan Hill: Govardhan Hill, near Vrindavan, is a popular destination for worshippers and visitors alike. The hill itself is stated in Hindu literature, and it is believed that Lord Krishna once picked it to defeat Indra, the god of rain and thunder. Apart from its religious importance, the 80-foot-tall sandstone hill provides breath-taking views of nature. Do not forget to take a look around because there are several artworks on exhibition.
  7. Mathura Museum: The Mathura Museum, which was established in 1874, is also known as the Government Museum. It has an extensive collection of sculptures, pottery, drawings, relics, coins (gold, silver, and copper), and other items from Mathura and the surrounding areas. The museum itself is made of red sandstone, has some beautiful architectural design and is an excellent place for art lovers to visit. Throughout the year, it is bustling with students and visitors alike.
  8. Elephant Conservation and Care Centre: In 2010, Wildlife SOS teamed up with the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department to open a recovery facility for critically exploited captive elephants. Every elephant here has a backstory of suffering, but you can watch them spend their days happily – feeding, walking, and, best of all, splashing about in the water during bath time. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn about and appreciate these magnificent creatures.
  9. Kans Qila: Kans Qila, or Kans Fort, is another significant attraction in Mathura. It is situated on the banks of the Yamuna River and is titled after Lord Krishna’s maternal uncle. Apart from its religious importance, the fort is a majestic structure with Hindu and Muslim architectural elements.
  10. Tilak Dwar: This market, also known as Holy Gate, is a must-see for anyone interested in learning about local life in Mathura. This vast market is lively and bustling with activity. There are several shops to search through, and the art, jewellery, and ethnic pieces on sale give you a sense of the city’s culture. This market also has many religious shops selling idols of various gods and goddesses and paintings by local artists.

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Mathura Vrindavan Tour Package
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