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small double duvet

Are you struggling to find a duvet that is suitable for you and your spouse? Do you have small children and they are always getting into the bed with you? Are you looking for a duvet that you could pack away neatly to take up less space in your suitcase on your next holiday?

We have solved all of these problems for you! (You may have to create for yourself, but the thought of it kills us...) Well we have done just this. We have produced the smallest double duvet in the world! The insert size is about 1.5 inches thick. It has two covers, one of which you can wash and the other is waterproof.

What does this mean for you?

This means you have a duvet that fits in a briefcase or in your hand luggage. If you are traveling for 5 days then you could easily pack this duvet in the suitcase and keep the top cover for yourself. Also, you could wash the top cover and not worry about the stains happening to your brand new duvet. Read more info about small double duvet

Advantages of the small double duvet

I have traveled a lot in my day. As you probably know, if you are traveling, your clothes get soaked with sweat and the bedding is always damp. This duvet allows you to go on your travels and not worry about your bedding getting soaked.

The other advantage of the small double duvet is that you can share it with your partner. This gives you double the luxury!

Disadvantages of the small double duvet

The two duvet covers are not that durable. We have used them on 4 different trips and the inner cover is cracked. It is the same for the outer cover. It could get replaced by the outer cover but not the inner.


The two duvets that we have are extremely versatile. It is easy to pack and carry. We have traveled with it on 4 different trips and it has worked like clockwork. It is possible to fold it into a small case or suitcase, but I am not sure if it is worth it. If we were to use them in the future then we would either buy them separate or we would spend the extra money on a durable duvet.

kulsekra denowy
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