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Benefits of STEM education for children 2023

Benefits of STEM education for children 2023

Are school days feeling like a snooze-fest? Just because kids are not loving the traditional classroom, doesn’t mean they’re not a STEM-tastic, curious learner at heart! As parents, we have to help them tap into their inner mad scientist and unleash their passion for mastering STEM education, robotics and coding. Even if their grades aren’t skyrocketing, by encouraging critical thinking, experimentation and learning from mistakes, children can become a true STEM whiz. So, let’s get ready to support their independent learning and keep that love of learning alive and poppin’!

Learner personalities

Every child is unique and may have a different learning style, personality, and approach to learning. Understanding our child’s strengths and weaknesses will allow us to support them in a way that best suits their needs.

For example, if your child is undermotivated, it might be helpful to set specific and achievable goals for them, and to provide them with a positive and encouraging learning environment. For a child who seems to be far behind or who already “knows everything,” it might be helpful to provide them with challenging and engaging activities that will help them to continue to grow and develop.

If your child is a rebellious or resistant learner, it might be helpful to provide them with a sense of autonomy and control over their learning, and to help them to see the relevance and value of what they’re learning. For a child who is a social butterfly, it might be helpful to provide them with opportunities to collaborate and work with their peers.

If your child is a cautious or impulsive learner, it might be helpful to provide them with a safe and nurturing environment that allows them to take risks and experiment with new ideas. If your child is an analytical or social learner, it might be helpful to provide them with opportunities to ask questions, engage in discussions, and work with others.

Learning doesn’t mean academic performance.

Don’t let a few less-than-stellar grades fool you into thinking your child has lost their love for learning! Just because school may not be their strong suit, it doesn’t mean they’re not curious at heart. Keep an eye out for that spark of passion and let it guide you in helping them discover the joy of learning outside the classroom. Sure, we all want our little ones to soar academically, but it’s important to remember that a good report card isn’t the be-all and end-all of their education. So, let’s give them the freedom to explore and let their inner genius shine.

Recognizing Passionate Learning

Sometimes, school can make the child feel like they’re stuck in a one-size-fits-all learning mold and it just doesn’t fit them. Whether they’re a “poke and prod” learner or a “dive right in” type, every child learns differently and that’s something to be celebrated.

Not all teachers understand this and our child may be labeled as a “slacker” or “too impulsive”. As a team, it’s our job to help them navigate these challenges and show them that their way of learning is just as valid as any other. So, let’s give a big cheer to our little independent learners and help them unleash their inner learning beast!

Strategies for School Survival and Beyond

Let’s face it, school can be a real drag for some kids. But it’s our job to make sure our little ones don’t get left behind. While keeping an eye on their school situation is important, it’s even more crucial to focus on helping them learn on their own — through their passions and interests. Whether it’s trips to the library and museum, science and politics discussions over dinner, or encouraging appropriate internet use, these strategies can turn your child into an independent learning ninja! So, gear up and get ready to send your children on a learning adventure that will have them soaring above the rest.

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if your child is truly engaged in learning, especially if they’re not performing well in school. But, fear not! There are sure signs to look out for that indicate your little one is an independent learner in disguise. Here are some parameters you can rely on.

1.Does your kid enjoy writing stories and independent reading?

2.Does your kid continue to ponder the reasons for events as they are?

3.Does your kid enjoy making predictions, estimating things, or solving mathematically challenging puzzles or problems?

4.Is your kid interested in constructing (or disassembling) mechanical things, music, or drawing?

5.Does the kid participate in sports and other team or group activities available in your community with enthusiasm?

6.Is your little one connecting to issues and ideas on the Internet that seem relevant and engaging, and does he prefer the computer to the television?

Whether it’s a passion for reading, a love for tinkering with technology, or a knack for asking insightful questions, these are all signs that your child is laying the foundation for future academic success.

As parents, we’re the first and most important role models for our kids. That’s why it’s important to show them that learning isn’t just something you do in school, but something you do throughout your whole life. By showing them that you, too, are a self-directed learner who is always seeking out new information and knowledge, you’re setting them up for a lifetime of learning. By working together and leading by example, we’ll raise a generation of lifelong learners!

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