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Benefit of Sunflower Oil for Frying & Roasting? >Doctors Choice

Benefit of Sunflower Oil for Frying & Roasting? >Doctors Choice

Having multiple cooking oil in the market it has been very confusing to choose the right one for our shallow frying and roasting, but now Doctors Choice is in the market with her refined sunflower oil,

Now The Point Is!!

Why Sunflower Oil is Good for Shallow Frying & Roasting?

Earlier, being healthy was a decision that differed from person to person. Nowadays, the number of health-conscious individuals has increased to a point where their lifestyle revolves around eating healthy to ward off diseases and illness. 

With a fast-paced life, it becomes challenging for one to take the best care of themselves. Stress, work overload, and daily challenges force us to shift away from the priorities that matter. Keeping in mind the daily chores we perform, food keeps our bodies going throughout. Being the fuel that gives us energy, it’s important to cook it right and well. Since there are multiple cooking oils in the market, the choices may vary from one to another. However, having a cooking oil that’s versatile validates its addition to your home kitchen. 

Talking of cooking oils, omega-6-rich oils are those that make their way from the shelves to your kitchen. Considered to be under the versatile cooking oil umbrella, they help prepare meals that keep us well inside out. If we are more specific, refined sunflower oil is one that’s a validated addition to your kitchen. Being light in nature, this cooking oil is best used for all-purpose cooking and frying. Other than being used for cooking, this oil has additional benefits as well. Also used for skincare and medicinal purposes, this has a positive impact on your skin and hair.

Talking about the benefits of sunflower oil, there lie reasons why most individuals choose to cook with this. Having a mild flavor and high smoke point, it adds goodness to every dish prepared. One heaped tablespoon of refined sunflower oil contains:

120 calories

78 gms fat

Good quantity of vitamin E & K

Yes, these may seem to be common pointers for many. But, some additional pointers that differentiate this from the rest.

Check out the blog for more info: https://www.doctorschoiceoil.com/refined-sunflower-oil-for-shallow-frying-and-roasting/

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