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How to Get Asbestos Removed From Your Bathroom?

HM Group
How to Get Asbestos Removed From Your Bathroom?

Asbestos is a commonly used material in Australian houses built before the 1980s. Like most other areas of an old building, it is found in bathroom tiles, ceilings, floors, and wallpapers. Moreover, it has been widely used as an adhesive compound to bind vinyl tiles and bathtubs. Well, asbestos is a highly durable compound with amazing water-resistant properties. But when worn out, it is important to get it removed. Otherwise, it might lead to many life-threatening diseases. Here are a few methods that can be used in this direction.


1. Water Injection

In this technique, water is injected into the asbestos with the help of special injecting equipment. This method works best on thick asbestos layers, where water is soaked into them and removed easily.


2. Dry Removal

This is not a safe method because of the chances of releasing asbestos fibers into the air. However, it is suitable for use in an unsafe bathroom with open wirings or a good conductor of electricity.


3. Wet Removal

This is the safest method for asbestos removal in bathrooms because it prevents asbestos fibers and specks of dust from being released into the air. Under this method, water is poured onto the asbestos surface under minimum pressure and then removed.


These were some methods for asbestos removal that are used for bathrooms. Remember all such methods should not be self-practiced. Rather, you should hire a professional for this purpose. There are many licensed asbestos removal companies in Brisbane that can help you with the safe removal and disposal of this harmful substance.


For More Information:

Asbestos Removal In Brisbane

Commercial Asbestos Removal In Brisbane

Industrial Asbestos Removal In Brisbane

Demolition Removal Specialists Brisbane

Asbestos Testing In Brisbane


Source URL: https://medium.com/@hmgroup0001/how-to-get-asbestos-removed-from-your-bathroom-93833678f550

HM Group
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