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What are the Different Types of Photography You Should Try?

Keller Photographic
What are the Different Types of Photography You Should Try?

Photography is one of the most popular of the visual arts. It’s used to document events and generate sales. People typically take photos for personal use and to remember moments.

The advent of smartphones has generated an interest in taking photos. After all, it’s easier now that everyone has a good-quality camera within reach. But photography is more than taking selfies. It’s about keeping track of important life events. It helps document history. It also encourages self-expression. You can also make a career out of this.

A professional photographer might specialize in one or two photography styles. But if you want to be the best, you should learn the different types of photography. It will help you learn the technical aspect of the profession. It can also enhance your creative skills. You can build a strong foundation if you try and learn the following:


This is a way of telling a distinct story. It’s done by capturing scenes of the unfolding event. This type of photography must be as truthful as possible. The goal is to capture real moments, and not the perfect shots.

Portrait Photography

Also known as portraiture, this is one of the most common photography types. Professional headshots and family portraits are examples of this type.

Professional photographers specializing in this are good at showing an individual's personality. They are also experts at capturing a mood or a feeling. These photos are either posed or candid. They can be close-ups or full-body poses. But the subject’s face and eyes are often the focus. You can use a specific backdrop to convey an idea or emotion. This can become emphasized with proper lighting.

Still Life Photography

Still-life refers to an arrangement of objects, like flowers or fruits. It can also feature manmade objects. This type of photography is like still life painting. You want to capture an idea using a specific grouping of items.

This type of photography is often used in product advertising. It can also be used in stock photography. Think of the images you see on billboards and magazines. This will help hone your skill in object selection and arrangement. You’ll also learn how to use lighting to make a great shot.

Fashion Photography

This kind of aesthetic photography glamorizes clothes, shoes, and accessories. The goal is to get more consumers interested in the product. You could find your photos published online or in magazines if you have a flair for this.

Many people choose fashion photography even if they’re not into fashion. It’s because this niche gives the photographer the chance to show their creative side. You have to shoot photos that are eye-catching. You’ll learn how to work in various locations and lighting. The skills used in fashion photos are the same as in portraiture.

There’s more to taking photos than pointing a camera at the subject. You have to be creative and flexible. Learning the different types of artistic photography can help you.

Keller Photographic
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