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Door Automation Companies: An Overview of Ganga Automation

Ganga Automation
Door Automation Companies: An Overview of Ganga Automation

As technology continues to evolve, more and more businesses are investing in automated systems to streamline their operations and enhance their customers' experience. One area where automation has gained significant traction is in the installation of door automation systems. With the rise of smart homes and buildings, there has been an increased demand for automatic doors that provide convenience, security, and accessibility. One company that has emerged as a leader in the door automation industry is Ganga Automation. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Ganga Automation and what sets them apart from other door automation companies.

History of Ganga Automation

Ganga Automation was founded in 2006 by a team of professionals with extensive experience in the door automation industry. They started with a small team of technicians and engineers, and over the years, they have grown to become a leading provider of door automation solutions in India. Today, they have an extensive network of dealers and distributors across the country and have expanded

their services to countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

Products and Services Offered

Ganga Automation offers a wide range of products and services to cater to the diverse needs of their clients. Their product offerings include automatic sliding doors, swing doors, revolving doors, telescopic doors, and industrial doors. They also provide solutions for automatic gate systems and access control systems. In addition to these products, they offer installation, maintenance, and repair services to ensure that their clients' systems are always functioning optimally.

Quality and Safety Standards

Ganga Automation is committed to providing its clients with products and services that meet the highest quality and safety standards. All their products are tested and certified by the European Union's CE and EN standards, which ensures that they meet the required safety and performance standards. They also use state-of-the-art technology and materials to ensure that their products are durable, reliable, and energy-efficient.

Customer Support

One of the things that set Ganga Automation apart from other Door Automation Companies is their dedication to customer support. They have a team of trained professionals who are always available to provide assistance and support to their clients. They also offer a comprehensive warranty on their products and services, which gives their clients peace of mind knowing that they are covered in case of any issues.


Door Automation systems have become a crucial component of modern buildings, and companies like Ganga Automation are at the forefront of this industry. With their commitment to quality, safety, and customer support, they have established themselves as a trusted provider of Door Automation solutions. If you're in the market for an automated door system, Ganga Automation is definitely a company worth considering. For more details visit the website.

Ganga Automation
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