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West Fencewright

Chain Link Fences

Chain link fences are the most common type of fence used in residential and commercial fencing applications, with different designs, shapes and sizes, allowing for versatility in their use. Chain link fences consist of galvanized steel links woven together into a sturdy diamond-shaped pattern and installed in a continuous way for an effective fencing solution. The flexibility of chain link fencing makes it an ideal solution for boundaries or any other needs for fencing a property including pet containment, safety, noise or privacy control.

Chain link fencing is often used around gardens and landscapes to mark off the boundaries of a property. The chain link fence comes in a variety of heights, colors, gauges and post sizes so there is a chain link fence for everyone whether they are looking for a subtle border or a security fence that is hard to climb up. Fencing posts and post supports are also available in various sizes so that the posts can be securely set into the ground to provide a strong and long-lasting installation.

Chain Fence Installation

Installing a chain fence is a relatively easy task as the individual pieces are designed for quickly connecting to each other without the need for specialized tools or knowledge. However, for correct and secure installation it is important to use galvanized steel mounting hardware and install the post anchors into undisturbed earth or concrete pads. When measuring for posts, it is important to ensure that the posts are long enough that they can be buried at least two feet below grade as this will help to ensure an effective and secure installation. It is also important to position the post correctly relative to the fencing line to ensure that the chain link fence is at the right height to meet the object it is surrounding.

For complex or larger installations, it may be beneficial to get the assistance of a professional fencing company. They will be able to provide assistance in making sure that the chain link fence is installed consistently and in compliance with local fencing regulations.

Chain Link Fence System

A chain link fence system is composed of panels of galvanized steel chain link mesh and fitting accessories, with the chain link mesh typically attached to steel poles, posts or intermediates that together form a secure perimeter. There are different types of fencing panels available including plain, black, green and vinyl coated panels. The fence panel can also be framed in aluminum, wood or vinyl to increase the decorative value of the fencing system. The panels come in various widths, sizes and heights, and are offered in mesh sizes 1.3mm, 2.5mm and 5mm.

The chain link fence fittings play an important role in providing the desired effect for the fence installation. Various fitting accessories are available for attaching the fencing to posts or other support frames, for curving the fence, and for connecting two or more panels together. Additionally, special purpose fittings such as privacy slats, privacy clips and tensioning bars can be added to provide custom solutions.

It is important to consider the size of the mesh and post size when selecting a chain link fence system, as this will depend on the intended use and the code requirements in the area. In addition, it is important to consider any additional features such as gates, adding to the privacy, wind load rating or height.

West Fencewright
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