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11 Top Notch Accessibility Test Automation Tools of 2023

Kathleen Campbell
11 Top Notch Accessibility Test Automation Tools of 2023

Accessibility testing ensures that a website or web application is fully accessible and can be easily accessed by disabled people. To further enhance the efficacy of accessibility testing, there are accessibility test automation tools that can be leveraged. These tools can be tactically used by the testing team to fulfill all the accessibility-related requirements rewardingly. In this article, you will get to know about the 11 top-notch accessibility test automation tools of 2023.  

What is accessibility testing? 

It is a testing method that ensures that a web application or website is accessible to all, including the disabled community. Accessibility guidelines are applied to ensure that the website or web application is in compliance with accessibility guidelines or standards. Assistive technologies are used while carrying out accessibility testing services. A professional software testing services company can provide competent and reliable accessibility test services.  


Following are the 11 top notch accessibility test automation tools: 

1. A11y machine: It is an automated accessibility testing tool through which web application pages are crawled and tested so that detailed reports can be produced. The pages are validated against the specific laws/specifications. 


2. Accessibility Developer Tools (ADT): It is a library of utility code and accessibility-related testing. The main component is the accessibility audit, wherein common accessibility problems are checked by a collection of audit rules. For the purpose of carrying out automation, Audit axs_testing.js can be used.  


3. UI Automation: It is an accessibility framework through which Windows applications are enabled and programmatic information about user interfaces is provided and consumed. Most of the UI elements on the desktop are provided with programmatic access. 


4. Web accessibility checker: It provides one of the easiest ways so that accessibility checks can be performed on any ASP.NET web application. All major international accessibility standards are supported by this tool and it is fully customizable. 


5. Protractor Accessibility Plugin: An accessibility plugin is provided by Protractor through which each set of audits is run on the existing end-to-end tests to make sure that the site is free of obvious errors . 


6. Tenon.io: Through this tool, accessibility tests can be added to any automation framework that the team might be using. The design of this tool is done in such a way that it can be tested against WCAG standards. 


7. Pa11y: A bunch of tools are provided by Pa11y.org through which accessibility tests can be automated. They have a browser-based dashboard, a command-line interface through which accessibility of several sites can be monitored simultaneously.  


8. Apple's accessibility APIs: If iOS apps are being tested, then there are some accessibility APIs, such as Voiceover, that can be used in the scripts so that the accessibility can be tested appropriately. These APIs are leveraged so that the testing is not only made easier but also can improve the user experience.     


9. Google's Accessibility Test Framework for Android: There is test logic contained in Google's Accessibility Test Framework (GATF) through which a bunch of common accessibility issues can be easily detected. The existing Android UI constructs are used so that they can be easily integrated with other frameworks and tools. 


10. Tanaguru: It is an automated accessibility testing tool that emphasizes automation and reliability. This tool provides both an open-source and a paid option. It is devoted to accessibility (a11y) audits and focuses on a high-level automation. 


11. Axe-Selenium-Java: This tool is for Java testers who use automated accessibility tests to expand their test suites. The ability to perform web accessibility testing with Selenium and JUnit is provided by this tool.    

To conduct accessibility testing for their specific projects, organizations can look for software testing services company that can provide exclusive accessibility testing solutions along with using the right accessibility test automation tool. 


Conclusion: If you are looking forward to implementing accessibility testing for your specific organization, then do get connected with a globally renowned software testing services company that will provide professional consultation and support on developing a crystal-clear accessibility testing strategy that is in line with your project specific requirements. 

About the author: I am a technical content writer focused on writing technology specific articles. I strive to provide well-researched information on the leading market savvy technologies.   


Kathleen Campbell
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