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Best Day 1 CPT Universities on the West Coast

Bole Huang
Best Day 1 CPT Universities on the West Coast

If you live and work in California, these are the most popular Day 1 CPT universities to choose from when you fail to get an H1B. In FY2024’s H1B lottery, only 14.6% of applications were selected for H1B. This number is stunningly low. It also means tens of thousands of international students will have to seek other ways to stay in the U.S. A small portion of them can apply for an O Visa or L Visa if they can fulfill the requirements. However, for most students, Day 1 CPT is your answer. We will introduce some of the most popular accredited Day 1 CPT universities throughout the month. Today, let’s focus on California and the states nearby.

Westcliff University

Location: Irvine, Cerritos

Programs that support Day 1 CPT: MBA; MSCS; MSEM; MSIT; MA TESOL; DBA; EdD

On-site: 1/semester (every 4 months)

Annual Tuition: 13,200 (Master Program) – 16,500 (Doctoral Program)

2023 Enrollment Windows: 6/28; 8/28; 10/23

Pros & Cons:

✅ Great Locations

✅ STEM courses

✅ Doctoral level Day 1 CPT program

✅ Low RFE rate

✅ Low on-site requirement

✅ Can gap 1 semester and still use CPT after studying for 3 semesters

❌ Higher CPT renewal frequency (1/sem instead of 1/yr)

Sofia University

Day 1 CPT Universities | California | Sofia University

Location: Palo Alto, Costa Mesa

Programs that support Day 1 CPT: MBA; MSCS

On-site: 1/month

Annual Tuition: 15,000

2023 Enrollment Windows: 7/3; 10/2

Pros and Cons

✅ Great Location (close to the Bay Area)

✅ Flexible CPT Application Process (can waive CPT agreement)

✅ Can extend the program to 2.5 years

✅ Relatively low workload

❌ Less Day 1 CPT majors to choose from

❌ Does not accept initial I-20 students

California Institute of Advanced Management

Day 1 CPT Universities | California | CiAM

Location: Alhambra

Programs that support Day 1 CPT: MBA

On-site: 1/6 - 8week (approximately 9/year)

Annual Tuition:12,000

2023 Enrollment Windows: 9/2

Pros and Cons

✅ Great Location

✅ Can waive CPT agreement

✅ Low workload; some courses don’t even have exams

✅ Can choose to finish the MBA in 1 year or extend it to a 2-year program

❌ Work experience is required for enrollment

❌ Higher CPT renewal frequency (1/sem instead of 1/yr)

❌ Only have one Day 1 CPT program (MBA)

Humphreys University


For more information, please visit day1cpt.org.

Bole Huang
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