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What is the Role of a Notary Public in British Columbia?

Sekhon Notary Public
What is the Role of a Notary Public in British Columbia?

Notaries Publics perform an important role in the legal and administrative landscape in British Columbia. The provincial government appoints these professionals to deliver a variety of critical services to the public. In this article, we'll look at what a Notary Public does in British Columbia, what their responsibilities are, and why you might require their services.

Key Responsibilities of a Notary Public

Legal Document Authentication

The authentication of legal documents is one of the key responsibilities of a Notary Public in Surrey British Columbia. This means they validate signatures and make sure documents are legally binding. A Notary Public will authenticate your identification and attest to the authenticity of the document you're signing, whether it's a real estate transaction, a will, or a power of attorney.

Witnessing Signatures

Notaries Public are also permitted to witness and attest signatures. Their appearance and seal on a document provide assurance that the individuals signing it are who they claim to be. This is especially significant in combating fraud and verifying the legitimacy of agreements.

Notarization of Copies

Providing official copies of documents is another important service given by Notaries Publics. These copies, whether of a diploma, passport, or other significant records, are legally equivalent to the originals and are frequently required for various transactions.

Administering Oaths and Affirmations

Notaries Public are also authorized to administer oaths, affirmations, and notarizations. This is critical for legally binding statements in legal affidavits, statutory declarations, and other documents requiring notarization.

Finding a Notary Public in British Columbia

In British Columbia, Notaries Public are regulated by the Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia. You can easily find a Notary Public near you by visiting their website or contacting your local notary office. It is critical to bring original documents, sufficient identity, and any other paperwork or information pertaining to your unique needs while seeking the services of a Notary Public.


In British Columbia, a Notary Public is a trusted professional who plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of legal and administrative processes. A Notary Public is there to ensure the proper execution of crucial transactions and legal concerns, whether you require a document validated, a signature seen, or an oath administered. Their work is critical in sustaining the rule of law and protecting the rights of persons and companies throughout the province.

Sekhon Notary Public
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