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5 Engaging Activities for Those Living With Dementia

Astoria Senior Living
5 Engaging Activities for Those Living With Dementia

Navigating activities for loved ones living with dementia can be both challenging and rewarding. At Astoria, we recognize the importance of engaging and purposeful activities for those in memory care communities. If you're exploring ways to enrich the lives of seniors with limited mobility, particularly those seeking senior memory care in Omaha, Nebraska, you're in the right place. Join us as we explore five engaging activities tailored to enhance the well-being of individuals living with dementia.

#1.) Reminiscence Therapy

Reminiscence therapy involves prompting individuals to recall and share past experiences, fostering a sense of connection and identity. At Astoria, we create dedicated reminiscence sessions where residents can engage in meaningful conversations about their life stories, cherished memories, and significant events. This therapeutic approach not only stimulates cognitive function but also promotes social interaction and emotional well-being, allowing residents to reminisce in a supportive and nurturing environment.

#2.) Music Therapy

Music therapy is a powerful tool for individuals with dementia, as it has the ability to evoke emotions, memories, and even physical responses. At Astoria, we incorporate personalized music playlists and live music sessions into our daily activities schedule. Residents can participate in sing-alongs, rhythmic exercises, and listening sessions tailored to their preferences and cultural backgrounds. Through music, we create moments of joy, connection, and emotional expression, enriching the lives of those in our care.

#3.) Art and Craft Sessions

Engaging in art and craft activities provides residents with opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and sensory stimulation. Our art therapy sessions at Astoria encourage residents to explore various mediums such as painting, drawing, and crafting under the guidance of experienced instructors. These activities not only promote cognitive function and fine motor skills but also foster a sense of accomplishment and pride. Residents take delight in showcasing their artwork, building confidence, and forming meaningful connections with fellow artists in the community.

#4.) Gardening

Gardening offers therapeutic benefits for individuals with dementia, including sensory stimulation, physical exercise, and a connection to nature. At Astoria, we provide accessible garden spaces where residents can engage in light gardening activities suited to their abilities. From planting seeds and watering plants to harvesting fruits and vegetables, residents find joy and fulfillment in tending to the garden. Our gardening program fosters a sense of purpose, tranquility, and sensory delight, creating meaningful moments of connection with the natural world.

#5.) Sensory Stimulation

Sensory stimulation activities are designed to engage residents' senses, including touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing. At Astoria, we create sensory stations filled with textured objects, scented oils, calming music, and visually stimulating materials. Residents can explore these sensory experiences at their own pace, engaging in activities that promote relaxation, reminiscence, and sensory awareness. Whether it's feeling the texture of different fabrics or listening to soothing sounds, our sensory stimulation program provides residents with opportunities for therapeutic engagement and enjoyment.

Stay Engaged at Our Senior Memory Care in Omaha

At Astoria, we prioritize providing exceptional assisted living and memory care in comfortable communities that feel like home. Our team ensures that each day is full of opportunities to live, laugh, and grow through fun activities, outings, and celebrations. Located in Omaha, NE, Astoria in Omaha offers a welcoming environment tucked away from busy streets, surrounded by mature trees and attractive landscaping.

Choosing Astoria means choosing personalized and compassionate care tailored to individuals in assisted living and memory care. Our highly qualified staff is dedicated to meeting residents' needs on every level, from physical to emotional. We provide a variety of services and amenities, ensuring that residents' needs and wants are fulfilled.

If you're looking for a top choice for memory care in Omaha, consider Astoria. Join us at Astoria of Omaha, where joyful senior living is experienced every day. Contact us today to learn more about our community and schedule a tour. Find joy at Astoria.

Astoria Senior Living
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