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Best MBA Colleges in Singapore 2024

Saba MVW
Best MBA Colleges in Singapore 2024

Singapore is a major destination for MBA applicants, with many of the best colleges in the country offering MBA degrees. The availability of numerous career prospects and a well-developed economy are among the factors that draw in a large number of international applicants for MBA Programmes in Singapore.

Why MBA in Singapore?

  • With 19.96% of all spending on education, of which 35.28% is allocated to higher education, Singapore is a nation that places a high priority on education.
  • Singapore is well known for offering a dynamic, multicultural atmosphere, home to over 80,000 international students from more than 120 different countries. 91% of NUS's full-time MBA students are foreign applicants pursuing their dream of earning an MBA abroad.
  • Numerous universities in Singapore have partnerships with international universities and welcome students from thirty different nations.

Top MBA Colleges in Singapore 

The following table lists the top MBA Colleges in Singapore for International students along with Programmes lengths and rankings:



Final Round Application Deadline

Tuition Fees


INSEAD Asia Campus


January 2025 Intake: 18 June 2024


National University of Singapore (NUS)


2 April 2024


Nanyang Technological University (NTU)


31 March 2024


Singapore Management University(SMU) – Lee Kong Chian School of Business


30 November 2024


SP Jain School of Global Management


5 May 2024


Amity Global Institute




Best Executive MBA in Singapore

Executive MBAs are professional degrees intended for executives and professionals who want to enhance their prior expertise and knowledge with additional study. The following are a few well-known B-schools in Singapore offering executive MBA programmes:


Program and Duration

Tuition Fee


UCLA-NUS Executive MBA (15 months)


NUS Executive MBA (15 months)



Global Executive MBA (14-17 months)


Tsinghua INSEAD Executive MBA



SMU Executive MBA


MBA in Singapore: Admission Requirements

To get admitted into prestigious business schools in Singapore, applicants must meet specific standards. The basic requirements that most business schools require applicants to meet as well as university-specific requirements are part of the eligibility for an MBA in Singapore.

  • An undergraduate degree in any field from a recognised university.
  • A minimum of 2.8 CGPA at the graduation level. This is equivalent to 83% or B grade.
  • A minimum 2 years of working experience
  • English Language Proficiency Exams- IELTS: 6.5 or above, TOEFL: 100 above
  • GMAT/GRE scores are not mandatory

How to find the Right MBA College in Singapore?

The following are some important criteria for choosing the best MBA programmes in Singapore:

1. Academic Reputation: 

  • Look for universities that are regularly rated highly in international MBA rankings such as the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking and the QS World University Rankings (Search QS Global MBA Rankings).
  • Look at the college's standing throughout Asia, especially about its MBA programme.

2. Programme Focus & Specialisation: 

  • Is the programme in line with your desired industry and professional goals?
  • Do they provide specialisations in fields like finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship, which are relevant to your interests?

3. Cost & Scholarships: 

  • Examine the differences between several universities' tuition costs, living expenditures, and scholarship offerings.
  • Examine the college's scholarship programme, Indian government initiatives, and outside organisations.

4. Opportunities Following Graduation:

  • Take into account the college's track record of placing Indian alumni, especially in the sector and area you have in mind.
  • Does the programme provide alumni networks or career assistance to aid with job hunting?

5. Class Profile & Diversity: 

  • Seek out programmes that have a multicultural student body, including peers from other countries.
  • Having a strong peer network can improve both your educational experience and future employment opportunities.

6. Location & Alumni Network:

  • Singapore's geographic location provides access to markets throughout Southeast Asia, as does the alumni network.
  • Take into account the college's ties to Indian businesses and the size of the alumni network in India.

7. Language & Cultural Fit:

  • Assess your command of the English language to meet classroom and application standards.
  • Think about the culture of the college and if it suits your comfort level and study style.

Best MBA Colleges in Singapore Without Work Experience

Here is a list of MBA colleges in Singapore that do not require any work experience:

MBA Schools

Tuition Fees (SGD)

James Cook University 


Bangor University 


Management Development Institute of Singapore


When applying for an MBA in Singapore, you may find it interesting to note that the majority of colleges partner with both domestic and foreign businesses to host business seminars and workshops. Work opportunities and PR in Singapore after study are covered in all MBA programmes. According to FT rankings, you may receive a pay increase of up to 148% with an MBA from Singapore compared to your prior position.


Is Singapore a good option for MBA?

Singapore is home to some of the top MBA schools in the world for international students, and it is renowned for having the greatest educational system in the world. Singapore was one of the top 20 student cities in the world, according to the QS Best Students Cities rating. Students pay reasonable tuition costs and receive high-quality instruction.

Is doing an MBA from Singapore worth it?

Singapore is home to several of the top companies in the world, providing a wealth of employment options. Following graduation, salaries for MBA positions in Singapore might range from 50,000 SGD to 220,000 SGD (INR 30 Lakh to 1.34 Cr.) annually.

How long can I stay in Singapore after an MBA?

Students may return for a maximum of three months after graduating, subject to the Post Study Work Visa length rules. After their student pass has expired or been cancelled, graduate students are eligible to obtain a short-term visitation pass. This allows visitors to stay in Singapore for a maximum of ninety-days.

Saba MVW
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