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Angelic Maroon Georgette Festival Wear Designer Saree

My Desiwear
Angelic Maroon Georgette Festival Wear Designer Saree

If there is something that is stopping you from buying online sarees, then it has to be caring troubles and maintenance issues.

However, you don’t have to worry in this department as we ensure that our clothes have to be easily looked after and stored nicely.

Designer sarees at Mydesiwear may be washed at home by using mild washing powder and ordinary fabric conditioners.

If saree is encompassed with heavy embellishments or embroidery, it’s important to wash it carefully and store well in order to protect any damage to the work and material.

Never wash sarees in hard detergent as it may bring about fading of saree colour or losing its sheen.

Always place sarees in folds and ensure to regularly exchange these folds to avoid permanent wrinkles.

My Desiwear
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