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VHD Repair program

Jeffrey Gibson
VHD Repair program

 This attribute allows administrators to create, mount and attach VHD files that can be used with virtual machines. VHD for virtualization of the system and to backup important data by creating images of hard disk.
1) Performs successful recovery of all types of lost files such as images, video & audio files,database files, documents, media files, archives etc.
2)  Efficient in recovering corrupted, damaged and lost VHD files without any delay
3)  Enabled with fast searching option allowing users to search the partitions of the hard disk.
4)  Scans the VHD file and fixes all sorts of corruption issues
5)  Recovers data from fixed, differencing and dynamic type of Virtual Hard Disk (*.vhd) with accuracy
6)  Three effective Virtual disk data recovery modes which are Quick Scan, Extensive Scan and File Trace method
Get the more information to click here: http://www.mannatsoftware.com/stellar-phoenix-virtual-machine-data-recovery.html

Jeffrey Gibson
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