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The Top eCommerce Web Design Companies of 2020

MarTech Cube
The Top eCommerce Web Design Companies of 2020

Building a strong eCommerce presence directly impacts revenue and branding.

ECommerceCompanies.com, a B2B marketplace connecting brands with eCommerce designers and developers, identified the leading eCommerce companies that have web design expertise to help brands boost online sales.

The top eCommerce web design companies of 2020 are:

1. Milia Marketing

Milia Marketing is a marketing agency that creates solutions to drive results for Small and Medium-sized businesses. Their team is focused on building relationships to approach every project and campaign with care and creativity backed by data and strategy martech news.

2. Attract Group

Attract Group helps SME companies and startups go digital and transform their business processes. They aim to solve business goals with web and mobile development services. Their core technology includes PHP/Laravel, Python/Django, Angular, Vue.js, JavaScript, AWS, PostreSQL, Java/Kotlin and Swift.

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